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Woman shares 4 month healing process for hand implant in wild body modification video

Woman shares 4 month healing process for hand implant in wild body modification video

Nope, nope, nope

If you've ever thought about getting an object buried beneath your skin but wondered how it would work, we have something for you.

For most people, and by that I mean the squeamish (me), the idea of getting a subdermal implant is utterly horrifying.

However, there are many, many people out there who think differently, and have been pushing the envelope when it comes to extreme body modification and the physical aesthetic.

One of those is a TikToker going by the name Dez Firefly, and she recently shared a progress video on her star pentagon, which she has had placed in her hand. Gulp.

Take a look below, if you dare:

In the video, which was posted to her channel, Dez is first seen holding the star in a plastic packet, showing how it would fit over her hand.

The next clip then jumps forward to the implant after having been placed underneath her skin.

Over the course of the video, which tracks the first four months of the healing process, the hand goes from a very gammy, and not to mention painful, looking purple colour, to a peculiar, jaundice-like yellow.

How it started.

As the weeks go by, however, Dez's hand begins to heal, with the skin softening and the implant getting clearer and clearer.

And by the end, the star is now completely visible, having formed a sharp embossment through the skin.

Sharing the clip, Dez wrote: "4 months into my hand implant."

Since it was posted, the video has been viewed more than 7.7 million times, with thousands of people piling into the comments to share their thoughts.

And it has to be said, not everyone understood.

One user said: "Dude, I can’t do things under my skin.. I’d go insane."

How it ended.

"I would for sure knock this against something and my soul would leave my body," put another.

Someone else chimed in: "Absolutely not."

However, there were plenty of others who backed the implant massively.

"Ngl I was worried in the beginning but this turned out clutch af," wrote one fan, while another added: "So dope I love body mods."

I think I'll just stick to those stick on tattoos, thanks.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected] 

Featured Image Credit: @dezfireflyxpiercings/TikTok

Topics: Health, Weird, World News