People are keeping toilet paper in their refrigerators as a new hack, according to TikTok.
The internet is no stranger to cleaning hacks and occasionally some make you raise your eyebrows when first hearing them. This toilet paper hack is potentially one of them, for several reasons, but people are swearing by it.
Usually, toilet paper belongs, understandably, in the bathroom. That's typically where it's most commonly used - if not solely used - but apparently now the rolls have found a new purpose in life.

TikTokers have shown us how it's done through videos highlighting how the presence of toilet paper in the fridge can apparently help absorb bad odors from foods - after all, we all know how hard it can be to get rid of that horrid smell of bad milk.
Similar to fridge-specific deodorizers, a toilet roll has the ability to absorb moisture and odors, therefore helping to neutralize the smell of the fridge. It’s a handy hack if you are on a tight budget.
However, there is, of course, an elephant in the room and that’s hygiene. It’s not advisable to reuse toilet paper for its usual purpose after you’ve put it in the fridge. Sounds obvious, but it’s worth stating.
Also, it would be best to use a full fresh toilet roll as opposed to a used one before putting it in the fridge. The more paper on the roll the more capacity the roll has to absorb the moisture and bad odors existing in the fridge.

Moisture in the air not only cause wetness but also can contribute to creating mould and mildew.
But believe it or not, although it’s seemingly new to TikTok, the practices of toilet paper in refrigerators can be found back as far as 2015. However, although this frugal hack works to a point, other options don’t take up as much space as a toilet roll and will cause fewer second glances from guests when they spot the odd placement.
Therefore, a more longer lasting and potentially more efficient hack may be to use baking soda, which is still fairly inexpensive. The reason why this works, too, is because it is a base material that neutralises acids which works well with foul smells. Most odors are acidic so it works hand in hand with this hack. Of course, just make sure to throw away the whole container when the baking soda has done its job at absorbing awful odours.
Activated charcoal could also help to take away bad smells in the refrigerator. You can find it in a powder or even in fabric that you can cut to size.