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People shocked at NYC locals having a full Thanksgiving meal on train

People shocked at NYC locals having a full Thanksgiving meal on train

What a lovely way to celebrate the holiday!

Living in a big city can often leave people feeling alienated or alone, despite being surrounded by people.

But there are moments which you could say encapsulate the qualities and character associated with a city.

And what city represents that quintessential enormous melting pot metropolis quite like New York City?

One moment has encapsulated the sense of community in the city, and also left others baffled by how such a thing is possible.

With Thanksgiving looming, one group of people in New York decided on an unusual venue for a Thanksgiving feast.

You may have heard of retired train carriages being repurposed as Airbnbs or restaurants, but this group of people couldn't wait for the train to be retired.

So, they just served up a thanksgiving feast on the train in NYC.

And we're not just talking about handing out a few plates or a small picnic, they cordoned off a section of the train carriage for their feast.

They set a table up on the train.
TikTok / @itgirljayda_

Not only that, but they even set up a full table to serve people, with food and drink available.

And it seemed that everyone was invited, as they handed out plates to passengers on the train.

People were stunned by the show of community at a time of year when people without a family, whether it be a biological family or a chosen family, might feel particularly vulnerable.

And they took to the comments to share their disbelief and admiration of the gesture.

One wrote: "Dude this makes me happy to see how they all united to have a Thanksgiving dinner together even if it's on a train."

Another observed that it was a wonderful way to bring people back together after the pandemic.

People were shocked by the video.
TikTok / @itgirljayda_

They replied: "This is so cute! Everyone got so separated with the pandemic, so it’s so fun to see people celebrating Thanksgiving in public with strangers."

Another highlighted how it could help people who may not have anyone.

They wrote: "No cud this would make me cry. If I was alone in this world and somehow this sub filled w[ith] people like this it would feel like home just for a moment."

Someone else observed: "This is so wholesome cause imagine all the ppl who didn’t get a thanksgiving to come home to who got to join this."

Finally, one other person commented on the kind of community qualities which might make someone set up something like this.

They wrote: "This is so selfless and genuine. Pure love for the world is what I see."

Featured Image Credit: itgirljayda_/TikTok

Topics: News, Good News, New York, Food and Drink, Travel