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Stay-at-home mom reveals how much she earns from her 'perfect side hustle'

Stay-at-home mom reveals how much she earns from her 'perfect side hustle'

A stay-at-home mom has revealed her very lucrative side hustle.

In today's economy, we could all do with a little supplementary income.

Working a side hustle is a way of life for many college students, retirees, and particularly, stay-at-home moms.

But one mom has taken the internet by storm after revealing how much extra cash she makes at her Uber Eats side hustle.

Karyna Diaz, a stay-at-home mom from Las Vegas, shared a day in her life on her Uber Eats shift, and people are shocked at how lucrative it is!

“How does it work? Do you make whatever the ORDER costs? Or do you only get what they give in tip?” one asked.

Her TikTok video, which she captioned: “See how much I make. Perfect side hustle as a SAHM,” has gained over 1.2 million views since she uploaded.

“I already picked up my first order. This one’s from Chick-fil-A. This one’s $7 for only three miles,” she said in her video.

She shared her side hustle tips on TikTok.

“Just got my second order. This one’s from The Bar. It’s $8 for two miles away,” she continued.

Diaz then went on with her day of orders, and even included a short break for herself.

“Hey guys, a little break. I just picked up some Starbucks and I’m really freaking happy right now,” she said.

“Next order is actually from Tacotarian. There are two big bags. [They are] paying $17 for six miles,” she added.

By the end of the day, Diaz had pocketed $172.

People were blown away by how much she made!

People were clearly inspired by Diaz's career, as they flooded her comments asking for tips.

“Okay, Loca help a girl out — just started and wanted to learn some tips. What’s your 3 best tips for a beginner,” one follower asked.

“Hi mama!1. Don’t accept any high mileage/ low pay. 2. If you ever deliver at night at apartments or certain areas call them down to get the order,” Diaz advised.

Others joked about the perils of being around fast food all day.

"I could not do this..smelling all that food, I’d want something at every food place I stopped at," one laughed.

Others questioned whether Diaz had factored in all of her costs, including gas.

But Diaz was quick to reassure them, writing: “I spent $25 on gas to work this day 😊."

And it seems as though her bosses are a fan of Diaz's work.

The official Uber TikTok account has even commented on her video, calling her an "icon."

Featured Image Credit: karynadiazz/TikTok

Topics: Parenting, TikTok, Uber, Food and Drink