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Starbucks barista slams customer's 'hack' and claims they always delete the order when they see it

Starbucks barista slams customer's 'hack' and claims they always delete the order when they see it

The barista and TikTok user made clear this is one hack that won't help

A Starbucks barista has warned people against getting too cocky with their 'hacks' as she revealed one which will just end up with your order being deleted.

There are some hacks out there that really are life-changing, like those that can help you fall asleep faster, save money or revolutionize the way you cook.

Other 'hacks' aren't so clever, especially when they just cause an inconvenience for someone else.

Starbucks barista Sinéad called out one such hack in a post on TikTok, where she explained she'd spotted someone attempting to use it in an online order.

She pointed to a picture of the request which had been stuck on to a cup, and explained that someone had spent just 5 cents to order a 'handle bag' from the coffee shop.

They still wanted their coffee, though, so they detailed their entire order in a note added to the 'requests' section.

"Could I have a grande strawberry cream frappe with no whipped cream and a strawless lid," it read, before signing off with a cheery, "Thank you!"

While the TikToker admitted staff found the brazen order 'a little bit funny', it did not work out for the customer as a successful hack because, in reality, it's just a bold attempt at theft.

The customer was hopeful they'd get away with their request.

"This is not a Starbucks hack," Sinéad said. "[...] it didn't work. We just cancelled the order.

"So don't do this, but this person really tried."

While I'm sure there'll be a few overly-confident people out there who might attempt to give the 'hack' a go for themselves, most TikTok viewers thankfully agreed that it's not a great idea.

"I would’ve poured the frappe into the bag,” one person wrote, while another added: "Teenagers watching too many ‘hacks’ on TikToks lol."

One viewer made clear that Starbucks isn't the only company that users are attempting to exploit in the name of hacks, as they wrote: “I worked at a restaurant and people would do this all the time and ask for extra food in the special instructions instead of paying for it??”

The customer did not succeed in getting their strawberry Frappé.

However, there were some viewers who admitted they'd probably reward the customer for their attempt to save money.

"Am I the only one who would actually make it for them?? And this is coming from someone who works at Starbucks,” one viewer commented.

I suppose you might get lucky and be served by this particular employee if you wanted to give the hack a go for yourself, but don't be surprised if, most of the time, you end up with nothing at all.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@sineadrobbins

Topics: Food and Drink, Life, Starbucks, TikTok