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Man FaceTimes his parents right as he's jumping out of a plane and their reaction is priceless

Man FaceTimes his parents right as he's jumping out of a plane and their reaction is priceless

The son has been solo traveling the world and decided to leap from a plane with a twist

A video has gone viral of a man appearing to FaceTime his mom and dad moments before jumping out of a plane.

His parents reaction was absolutely priceless and it all came about thanks to Hostelworld, which explained that it visited a hostel in Sydney, Australia, where members of its team met Roger, from Ireland, 'who jumped at the chance to take part in a 14,000 foot skydive with a twist'.

Mary and Pat react hilariously when they find out their son had gone skydiving (YouTube/Hostelworld – Meet The World)
Mary and Pat react hilariously when they find out their son had gone skydiving (YouTube/Hostelworld – Meet The World)

Writing on its YouTube channel: "We all know it’s normal to call your parents whilst travelling, usually from the comfort of a hostel or café. But why not share your travel adventures with them first hand?

"This is exactly what Roger did. Moments after his plane started its ascent, his parents Pat and Mary received an unexpected call from their son."

In the funny 50-second video, Roger then calls his parents on Skype and tells them that he's 'going to jump out of an airplane now'. It then skips to him jumping out as his dad Pat says, 'I can't hear a word he's saying, is he in an airplane or what?'

When they realise what was happening, Pat simply replies in disbelief: "F*** off."

Before adding: "I thought he was in a bus."

Meanwhile, Mary is also amazed at what her son is doing and shouts: "Aaahh, holy s***!"

Mary then can be seen taking a photo on what looked like an android tablet.

Taking to Reddit, one user typed: "Omg mom taking a pic was the cutest thing lol."

While another joked: "Best way to give parents a heart attack. Joking, of course."

"F*** off. Perfect response from dad," a third added.

Although some people cast doubt over whether the scenario was real.

On the same social media platform, one user wrote: "Their cell network is amazing."

"Exactly what I was thinking lol," commented another.

"It is an ad of some sort from the last frame," explained another.

"But the jump was in Wollongong, NSW. Just south of Sydney and a built-up area."

Mary whips out her tablet to take a picture of what her son was doing (YouTube/Hostelworld – Meet The World)
Mary whips out her tablet to take a picture of what her son was doing (YouTube/Hostelworld – Meet The World)

Although not everyone cast doubt on whether the call from such a height was possible.

"I think the video is recorded from the son's phone, which is why his video appears fluid while the parents' video looks poor. From the parents' point of view, the son's video call would likely be choppy and of lower quality," another added.

"Additionally, the range of 4G can vary between 5-30 km depending on the frequency band and conditions, while tandem skydives typically occur at altitudes of 3-4 km.

"So, while this situation might be fake, it is technically plausible."

It prompted a response from an experienced skydiver who came across the discussion on Reddit. He replied in part: "It's not [plausible]. Source - 1200 jumps. You lose reception at about 4000 feet.

"I've been part of the setup for a live broadcast tandem. It requires massive signal boosters."

While another added: "Yep! This is not a live chat they had. He planned the recording and then sent it to them after the jump."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Hostelworld – Meet The World

Topics: Parenting, Travel, Viral, Australia, Ireland