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Residents spot mysterious 'werewolf' known to roam a quiet rural town in Wisconsin
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Residents spot mysterious 'werewolf' known to roam a quiet rural town in Wisconsin

The beast has been 'sighted' numerous times

The spooky season is once again round the corner, and that means tales of the supernatural to delight and terrify are resurfacing.

One particular kind of horror story is that of 'cryptids' - mysterious and horrifying creatures that don't confirm to the usual laws of the universe.

The number of mythical scary creatures is endless, and with the internet being the internet, many such cases are looked into by the paranormal enthusiasts.

This includes the amazingly named 'Beast of Bray Road'.

Even the name of the road sounds a bit scary.

And what is this beast? Well, legend has it that it's some form of werewolf which prowls the rolling hills and forests surrounding the sleepy rural town of Elkhorn in Wisconsin.

It's not a new phenomenon either, as residents have whispered about the creature for decades.

The creature has also fascinated people who are interested in folklore and myth, as well as those who are drawn in by the supernatural and the paranormal.

Nonetheless, although there have been a lot of searches combing the area, as well as some 'sightings' the existence of this mysterious creature remains unproven.

The Beast of Bray Road has been 'sighted' numerous times.
Danny Morgan

But what does this horror look like?

Accounts vary, of course, but the general consensus is that it's half man-half wolf, standing between 6 and 7ft tall. Its head is said to resemble that of a wolf or feral dog.

As to how it gets around, sometimes it's seen walking on two legs, and sometimes loping along on all fours.

There are a few possibilities which could explain where the local legend originated.

For example, it could be a grey wolf or feral dog which has been seen over the years. There's also of course the possibility that it has been the object of a hoax playing on the superstition.

There are several theories for what the creature is.
David Wall / Getty

An interesting possibility is that when you start rumours of a horrifying creature in an area, people start to report sightings of said creature more often.

The area is also home to black bears, creatures which can rear up on their hind legs. The emaciated appearance of the animals could be explained by a bear suffering from mange.

This is a skin condition which can cause patchy fur as well as making a bear very skinny and underweight. Seeing an emaciated bear with patchy fur looming out of the darkness would be enough give anyone one hell of a fright.

There is also of course the possibility that this is indeed a supernatural horror stalking the town.

Either that or it's the local park keeper trying to scare people away from his rose beds.

And he would have gotten away with it too...

Featured Image Credit: Danny Morgan / YouTube/UNIDENTIFIED

Topics: US News, News, Halloween, Horror