A girl who had been missing for three days has been found alive after being dumped in a garbage truck.
Three shocked sanitation workers in Georgia, US discovered the girl inside a bin just moments before she could have been crushed.
Zahmontay Cherry, Richard Jones and Peter Williams were all working on 4 October, when they were collecting bins from 6700 block of Old Covington Road in Stonecrest.

However, this one bin instantly felt heavier - speaking to WSB-TV, Cherry said: "I dumped it and a body came out. I went to the driver and I’m like, ‘Man, there’s a dead body back there'.
Jones added: "I saw her come out – he (Cherry) didn’t really react until I reacted. I was like ‘Whoa.’ I backed up (and) I noticed there was a little girl back there."
Williams was made aware of the girl by his two colleagues and had to act quickly to save the child's live.
He said: "So, once they brought it to my attention I initially shut off the truck because once I stepped on the gas, it would’ve automatically crushed her."
Luckily the three men were on hand and acted quickly, with the trio admitting they won't be forgetting the day in a hurry.
Cherry said: "It just really feels good that we was the ones that saved her.
"We’re just glad that the situation wasn’t too crazy. Everybody was safe and sound, and that’s the most important part of this whole situation. We’re just glad the little girl got back to her family, and everything is straight."
The heroic efforts from the men were recognised, as they were awarded a certificate of appreciation by the Dekalb County commissioner of District 5, Mereda Davis Johnson.
"Today I had the pleasure of honoring three DeKalb County Sanitation Workers for saving a young woman’s life. I want to thank ZahMontay Cherry, Richard Jones, and Peter Williams again for their swift action," Johnson said.
DeKalb County Police Department also thanked the three men on Twitter.
Their post read: "Today we applaud the efforts of Sanitation workers Cherry, Jones, and Williams who were able to save the life of a young lady who fell asleep in a trash container that was dumped into the garbage truck.
"Without the attention and dedication of these employees, there is no doubt great harm, if not death, would have been imminent. Great job Sanitation!"
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