Facebook users in Australia were left confused and slightly concerned after a local shared a picture of a group of people apparently stuck in a trance on a beach.
Francesca, from Sydney, Australia, had been walking near Balmoral Beach when she came across the bizarre sight near the edge of the water.
The people on the sand weren't doing anything obviously concerning, but it was the fact they weren't doing anything that apparently caused Francesca to take notice.

She snapped an image of the scene before her and shared it on Facebook, revealing at least six people all dressed in dark clothing.
All of the people involved in the activity were stood up straight as they stared out across the water, though there was one person lay flat on the ground behind them.
At first glance, the scene does look admittedly like something out of a sci-fi movie, with the person lying on the ground, the perfect representation of someone who's just fallen victim to some sort of non-human entity.
I'm not the only one who sees the similarities with the genre, either, as one person responded to the image to say the scene looked 'like a zombie movie'.
Though the scene is confusing, Francesca indicated it's not the first time it's happened.
She wrote on Facebook: "Does anyone know why people stand individually on Balmoral Beach on Sunday mornings? I would love to know."

The intrigued local turned to the Facebook group 'Mosman Living' to try and get some more information, and it was there that she managed to find the answers she was looking for.
The group shared Francesca's image, and explained: "It turns out the group were doing a walking meditation (walking, standing still & lying down) according to the teachings of Dr Joe Dispenza. They meet most Sundays and all are welcome!"
Knowing that the scene depicts people meditating makes a lot more sense than the notion that it's a group of zombies, and it's definitely a lot less worrying.
Dr. Dispenza explains on his website that there are four types of meditations; sitting, standing, walking, and lying down.
"The walking meditation is a great way for us to begin to not only embody our future while living in the present moment, but to start practicing living in that energy—living in that future behavior, living in those future choices, living in those future thoughts, and living in the feelings that create our future," the doctor explains.
So there you have it - maybe we all need to spend a little more time enjoying some walking meditation instead of watching zombie movies!
Topics: Australia, Facebook, Viral, Weird, Mental Health