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Japanese firm creates bizarre vertical office pods that lets employees sleep standing up

Japanese firm creates bizarre vertical office pods that lets employees sleep standing up

Have you ever thought about trying to nap on your own two feet?

What's your favourite sleeping position? On your back? On your side? How about standing up?

Unless you happen to be a horse, I'd never have thought anyone would choose the latter option.

But apparently, thanks to one Japanese firm, it could actually be a real contender.

It might be hard to wrap your head around the idea of taking a nap standing up, instead of in the usual, tried-and-testing position of lying horizontally in bed or curling up on your sofa - but this creation isn't for napping at home.

Instead, it's designed to help you catch up on sleep while at work - and isn't that the dream?

'Giraffenap' has been created by Koyoju Plywood Corporation and is intended to allow the user to 'take a rest while standing when you feel tired or sleepy' with the aim of 'improv[ing] performance' at work.

Giraffenap pods are designed to let you sleep standing up.
Giraffenap/Koyoju Plywood Corporation

Rather than relying on coffees and stifled yawns to try and make it through the work day, the company declared in a press release about the 'giraffenap' that the nap box will allow you to 'be refreshed' in just 20 minutes.

Giving in to your sleepiness and taking a 20 minute nap will apparently help 'improve your performance' by 'recovering from fatigue, reducing stress, restoring memory and concentration, and improving creativity'.

The site points to a study by NASA, which found that pilots who took a 26-minute nap experienced a 34 percent improvement in performance and alertness, and a 16 percent improvement in reaction time.

"As a new way to take a break, we will provide a space where you can take a nap while standing in the office," the site explains.

But why does it have to be standing?

The pod takes up less space when vertical.
Giraffenap/Koyoju Plywood Corporation

Well, the site explains that joint research with Hokkaido University and Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University revealed that sleeping while standing allows you to reach a sleep state in which you 'breathe lightly', so when you wake up you 'can feel the effect of a nap' without having to sleep too much, and you can 'quickly return to work without feeling dizzy'.

Plus, making the box vertical rather than horizontal, means that it takes up half as much floor space and makes it less likely that your boss will claim there 'just isn't room'.

The pod also comes equipped with a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, ventilation fan and LED lighting for safety, and it blocks out sound from the outside to ensure a calm, sleep-worthy environment.

Now, I know what you're thinking - wouldn't you just fall down if you tried to sleep while standing? Well, not with giraffenap's design.

Who needs beds anyway?
Giraffenap/Koyoju Plywood Corporation

The box comes equipped with four points to support the body at the head, butt, shins and soles, meaning you can relax into the box while still remaining upright.

Giraffenap has currently been made in two different styles - a futuristic one named 'Spacia', and a wood-covered one named 'Forest'.

They're scheduled to be released towards the end of next year, so when that time comes, I guess you'll just have to pick your favourite design, and slot yourself in ready for a good nap.

Featured Image Credit: Giraffenap/Koyoju Plywood Corporation

Topics: World News, Science, Health