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Con artist accused of stealing $100m in 'biggest ever US Army scam' pleads guilty after being allowed to retire with full benefits

Con artist accused of stealing $100m in 'biggest ever US Army scam' pleads guilty after being allowed to retire with full benefits

The conwoman used a 'fake vendor' to hide behind as she splurged millions on 80 cars and expensive real estate around the US

A woman who was accused of stealing millions of dollars from the US army and was allowed to retire 'with full benefits' has agreed to plead guilty, documents claim.

Conwoman Janet Yamanaka Mello was accused of splurging on 31 homes and 80 cars after allegedly stealing a staggering $108 million from the army while being employed as a civilian financial program manager at Joint Base in San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston.

The 57-year-old was reportedly bringing in a comfortable $130,000 a year in her role, which is more than double that of the average salary nationwide.

However, Yamanaka Mello wanted a true life of luxury, accused of posing her company, 'Child Health and Youth Lifelong Development', as a foundation to 'help military families', while allegedly actually using it to fraudulently funnel the massive amount of funds.

Mello claimed that her business provided services to military members and their families through the 4-H program.

However, her alleged plan came crashing down after suspicions were raised following the filing of her personal tax returns back in 2017.

The conwoman allegedly stole over 100 million. Credit:Handout
The conwoman allegedly stole over 100 million. Credit:Handout

As of December 2023, the IRS investigated and Yamanaka Mello is planning to plead guilty to 'fraud and tax charges', according to plea documents she signed.

Documents claim she was found to have a six banks accounts which held at least $32,000 each.

Despite the accusations, the US Army has confirmed that Mello will still be eligible for her retirement benefits.

"The command has no authority to impact Ms. Mello’s retirement," a spokesperson from the Army’s Installation Management Command told the San Antonio Express-News.

Janet Yamanaka Mello faces jail time for her alleged crimes.

"In accordance with 5 US Code Section 8312, an individual may be denied an annuity or retired pay on the basis of the service of the individual, if the individual is convicted of treason, rebellion or insurrection, or other similar offenses. There is no similar statutory authority for denying retired pay based on a conviction of other offenses."

Mello's lawyer has since applauded the decision and insisted that his client 'earned' it.

UNILAD has reached out to Ms Mello's attorney for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Federal Court Documents/KSAT 12

Topics: Military, Crime