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Chilling video shows house 'so haunted' it was evacuated by police

Chilling video shows house 'so haunted' it was evacuated by police

Eerie footage appears to show objects moving on their own

Chilling footage shared online offers an insight to a house that police believed to be so haunted they evacuated all of its residents.

Located in the southern city of Puerto Montt, Chile, the home is nestled on an unassuming street corner, surrounded by similar-looking properties.

But the mysterious events that have unfolded inside the house are anything but ordinary.

In 2017, a group of Carabineros, Chile's militarized police, were called to the scene by a family who said there had been 'paranormal activity'.

Speaking to local press afterwards, Sgt. Boris Olavarria described how officers found 'several broken windows and mattresses outside the house'.

"At first, it was strange, but once inside, I was questioning one of the owners when a trowel fell down from the attic," Olavarria continued.

The officer claimed he 'called upon the devil' while in the house, 'telling him to get out of there'.

"When I was leaving I felt a knife that grazed my back. Since I was wearing a bulletproof vest, I was able to avoid injury," he said.

Footage appears to show an object moving by itself. (YouTube/JustAnotherInvestigator)
Footage appears to show an object moving by itself. (YouTube/JustAnotherInvestigator)

Concerned for the welfare of the residents inside the home, authorities offered the occupants somewhere to stay that evening so they wouldn't have to spend the night in the supposedly haunted home.

Footage of the dwelling shows lights blaring from inside as people outside watch the events unfold.

At one point, an object, thought to be a plate, can be seen flying across the room, as if it had been thrown by a mysterious presence.

The family who lived in the home also claimed they had spotted a silhouette appearing in their videos and photos, and that they'd heard screams at night telling them to leave the house.

Police and the residents of the home weren't the only ones to experience strange events, as journalist Alexis Ruiz, with the Puerto Montt Informa media outlet, described 'attacks' of her own when she went to speak to the family.

"At the time of the conversation, a sack of potatoes caught on fire. Then, a vase was thrown to the floor and later I was attacked with a kitchen utensil," she said.

Ruiz expressed belief there was something trying to prevent her from carrying out her research in the home.

"Inside, we felt strange, very exhausted, depressed," she said. "It seemed that something was trying to prevent us from finishing the interview, our telephone signal was cut off without explanation."

The following month, medium Vanessa Daroch visited the home and said she initially 'saw things fly'.

However, she claimed that 'nothing happened' when they began to film the home.

This led Daroch to claim the haunting was a 'trick' - though she did admit there was an 'entity' in the home.

Featured Image Credit: @JustAnotherInvestigator/YouTube

Topics: Ghosts, World News, YouTube