The caffeine levels in one brand of coffee have got people seriously concerned.
It might be one of the more socially acceptable drugs, but when taken to excess caffeine is no joke.
According to guidance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), taking 1,200mg of caffeine in quick succession is enough to risk 'toxic' effects such as seizure.
Prolonged excessive use of caffeine can lead to hypertension which itself is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
Like many things, a moderate intake of caffeine is fine for most people.
The FDA recommends around 400mg a day for adults with no increased risk factors such as heart disease.
That's around two or three 12oz cups of coffee, which have between 120 - 150mg of caffeine each.
So people are understandably concerned by the caffeine levels found in Biohazard Coffee, which is marketed on its extremely high content.

In fact, according to their website just one cup of this brand contains 928mg of caffeine, more than double the FDA's recommended intake for a healthy adult.
A 'warning' on the coffee's packaging says: "At 928mg per 12oz this coffee contains 4x the caffeine of coffee your barista normally serves you.
"This caffeine content may result in overproductivity, all-nighters, and the occasional feeling of invincibility."
People were less than impressed by the message on the label.
One wrote: "I feel like the warning should be a little more warning."
A second replied: "400[mg] is the recommended per day so that's more than double that's crazy sh*t."
A third wrote: "What’s the appeal? I guess I’m just over sensitive to caffeine, but this would keep me up for days. Just a can of Coke can keep me up all night so this sounds like a nightmare."
A disclaimer published by Biohazard Coffee about the high levels of caffeine in their product reads:

"Biohazard Coffee contains the highest level of recommended daily caffeine intake (4 times a traditional cup of coffee).
"We recommend you use our coffee after building up a high tolerance and proceed with caution - this coffee is not for the faint hearted."
UNILAD has reached out to Biohazard Coffee for comment.