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American Women Are Going On A Sex Strike After Abortion Rights Were Overturned

American Women Are Going On A Sex Strike After Abortion Rights Were Overturned

The term 'abstinence' began trending after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

Women in the United States have shown their support for a 'sex strike' after the Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe v. Wade ruling which granted millions the right to abortion.

Thousands of people across the country launched protests after the court voted in favour of a Mississippi law which would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, effectively overturning Roe v. Wade in the process.

Pro-choice activists took to the streets, gathered outside the home of conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and slammed the decision on social media, where the term 'abstinence' began trending following the Supreme Court’s decision.

One Twitter user wrote: "Hey ladies, with the recent Roe v Wade decision, I think it's time we all practice abstinence, especially our lovely ladies who are married to the SC justices, senators, etc. No sex at all - we wouldn't want to risk anything! Let's see how long they last."

Speaking to The New York Post, 24-year-old US resident Brianna Campbell expressed support for the idea of abstaining from sex with those who failed to take action against the Supreme Court's decision.

She commented: "If you’re a man who won’t get a vasectomy, even though it’s reversible, and you’re not out in the streets fighting for my rights, you do not deserve to have sex with me."

Another protester, 22-year-old Caroline Healey, told the publication: "I think it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important. Why shouldn’t we withhold it if we’re always worried that they’re not going [to] put a condom on, that they’re going [to] take one off after we ask them to. If we can’t safely go out and have sex and know that we will have a choice after that, then why should we be expected to?"

People online also started using the hashtag 'sex strike' to argue against the overturning of Roe v. Wade, with one writing, "Perhaps a #sexstrike (also known as #abstinence) would help the men folk to be all in on this #womensrights issue," while another tweet reads: "#SexStrike. If our choices are denied, so are yours."

Demonstrations have taken place across the weekend in Washington DC., Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, Austin and in New York City, where protests took place alongside the city's pride celebrations.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden said the decision to overturn Roe v Wade means 'the health and life of women in this nation are now at risk'.

Biden noted that three justices named by his predecessor, Donald Trump, were 'the core' of the decision to overturn the ruling.

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Featured Image Credit: @21SouthNews/Facebook/Alamy

Topics: US News, Twitter, Viral, Sex and Relationships, Health