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OnlyFans model suing NFL footballer Tyreek Hill for allegedly breaking her leg

OnlyFans model suing NFL footballer Tyreek Hill for allegedly breaking her leg

Sophie Hall claims the Miami Dolphins star broke her leg last year.

Tyreek Hill has had a lawsuit filed against him by an OnlyFans model who claims he broke her leg during a ‘friendly football’ drill.

Model Sophie Hall alleges that the Miami Dolphins wide receiver invited her to his Florida mansion last year.

The link-up came after the OnlyFans creator had bought a ticket for her 10-year-old son to attend the Georgia-born athlete’s summer football camp.

It’s said that he later messaged her on social media, shared his mobile phone number and invited her to his home in South Beach, Miami.

Sophie Hall has submitted a lawsuit against Tyreek Hill.

As per the lawsuit. there on June 28, he apparently engaged Hall in football drills.

"Defendant Hill asked Ms. Hall to stand in a defensive line stance while he stood opposite her in an offensive lineman stance, ‘hiked’ the ball to the quarterback, and told her to rush him as if she wanted to chase the quarterback," the civil lawsuit states.

"Ms. Hall did as instructed and on contact with the Defendant, caused Hill to be pushed backwards, garnering laughter from the witnesses present at the time, including the Defendant’s mother, sister, friend and trainer.”

It’s alleged that the NFL player felt ‘humiliated’, ‘angry’ and ‘embarrassed after being knocked back. The documents claim this made him decide to ‘charge violently’ towards the mother.

The lawsuit filed in Broward County last week stated that on the particular play, Hill caused Hall ‘significant injuries’ after running at her with ‘great force’.

“The crushing force was so great that she sustained a right leg fracture, necessitating surgery with metal hardware implantation," the lawsuit continued.

30-year-old Hill has since been accused of battery, assault, negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The lawsuit included a compensation request for damages between $50,001 and $75,000 and demanded a trial by jury.

However, an attorney representing the Dolphins player has disputed these allegations.

Tyreek Hill's attorney said the recent filing was a 'scare tactic'.
Nathan Ray Seebeck/USA Today Sports

As per ESPN, Hill's attorney, Julius B. Collins claimed Hall’s lawsuit was to ‘generate bad publicity’ for his client.

He said it was a ‘scare tactic’ so that he would ‘personally cover’ the influencers’ medical bills.

Dolphins general manager Chris Grier was asked about the lawsuit earlier this week and claimed the team had been in contact with the league.

"Yeah, we were made aware of it," Grier said. "We were in communication with NFL security, so I really can't comment on anything of that until we get all our information and find out what happened.

“For us, Tyreek has been a good addition for us, but in terms of all the off-field stuff, we'll have to get all the information before we can really comment on it.”

UNILAD has contacted Tyreek Hill’s attorney for further comment.

Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@tyreekhill / Instagram/@sophiesselfies224

Topics: Sport, OnlyFans, NFL, US News, Football