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Bizarre conspiracy theories on why Taylor Swift won Person Of The Year are being shared online

Bizarre conspiracy theories on why Taylor Swift won Person Of The Year are being shared online

Taylor Swift's popularity and latest accolade has seen some groups on social media spark conspiracy theories about her future

In case you have been living under a rock, you would know that to put it mildly, Taylor Swift is pretty popular. For some however, this has simply added fuel to the conspiracies surrounding the pop star.

On Wednesday (December 6), TIME magazine announced that Taylor Swift was the person of the year for 2023.

She joined an inarguably diverse group of previous winners that included Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Pope Francis and even Adolf Hitler.

For many Swifties, this marked another accolade for the pop star who has taken the music world by storm and continues to break records.

However, in some circles on the internet, this win has sparked a slew of conspiracy theories about the future to come.

Some right-wing political figures and social media pages have insisted Swift will now turn to politics in hopes of capitalizing on her massive global popularity.

Far-right X page End Wokeness insisted a shadowy regime was going to ‘weaponize’ the singer as it was all part of a larger plan.

“Taylor Swift has a cult-like following that would drink poisoned Kool Aid for her. The media knows this and is feeding it,” the page posted following the announcement.

On Wednesday TIME magazine announced that Swift was the person of the year for 2023.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

“Music. Entertainment. Sports. Now they crowned her Person of the Year. The next step? Politics.

“If you don’t think the regime has plans to weaponize her just in time for 2024, you clearly have not been paying attention."

Sounds legit.




Jack Posobiec, an outspoken and divisive conservative commentator, also went full conspiracy and suggested her popularity was part of a Democratic plan for strong 2024 presidential support.

“The Taylor Swift girlboss psyop has been fully activated. From her hand-selected vaccine shill boyfriend to her DINK (Dual income, no kids) lifestyle to her upcoming 2024 voter operation for Democrats on abortion rights. It’s all coming,” he posted on X.

Some right-wing political figures and social media pages have insisted Swift will now turn to politics.
Terry Wyatt/Getty Images

Former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who was charged alongside former President Donald Trump and accused of participating in a wide-ranging scheme to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential election victory, also pushed bizzarre theories.

Sharing Posobiec’s post he wrote: “This is what happens when we cede culture to the Left.

"Brainless youth raising themselves on Taylor Swift’s saccharine bland music and that washing over into the serious world of politics.”

While it is true Swift has publicly spoken out against Trump and supported Democrat candidates, she hasn’t made any notion she plans to jump into politics now or in the future, despite her popularity.

Featured Image Credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images / Hector Vivas/TAS23/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

Topics: Celebrity, Taylor Swift, Music