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Pam Grier recalls time Snoop Dogg 'fainted' in plane bathroom and 'fell down on the p**** floor' after meeting her

Pam Grier recalls time Snoop Dogg 'fainted' in plane bathroom and 'fell down on the p**** floor' after meeting her

Pam Grier corroborated Snoop Dogg's unfortunate story of their first meeting over two decades ago

Sometimes, even the biggest stars imaginable can get starstruck by celebrities they hold in high regard.

Such was seemingly the case for the incomparable Snoop Dogg.

While you could assume that the cultural icon was immune to getting starstruck, this was seemingly not the case over two decades ago when he first met Pam Grier.

Grier, an icon in her own right, met Snoop ahead of their 2001 supernatural horror movie Bones, in which they served as costars.

The rapper, then in his late 20s, was so overwhelmed by Grier’s presence that he could barely keep his composure.

The rap legend told this story on The Jennifer Hudson Show earlier this year, detailing his perspective of the experience for comedic effect.

“I’m sitting down [on the plane] and Pam Grier walks up and she sits right next to me and starts talking to me,” Snoop recalled, later saying that he even struggled to look her in the eyes.

“My heart beating fast. So I’m like, ‘OK. I hear what you saying, Pam. Give me a minute.’ I go to the bathroom and faint.”

Snoop Dogg and Pam Grier as co-stars in Bones. (New Line Cinema Productions)
Snoop Dogg and Pam Grier as co-stars in Bones. (New Line Cinema Productions)

As a result of this story going semi-viral, Grier was recently asked about her perspective on the hilariously awkward first exchange between herself and Snoop Dogg.

“I knew when it was happening,” Grier admitted on a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live. “He was turning pale and he got up and he wobbled to the men’s room.”

Unfortunately, the bathroom in which he fainted was not as clean as Snoop would’ve hoped, with Grier adding: “He went in and fell down on the p**sy floor and fainted.”

Grier responded to this moment with genuine disbelief, amazed by how much her presence affected the rap star.

On top of that, Grier was also shocked that after Snoop fainted, he promptly returned to sit next to her.

“I was so upset that they cleaned him up and brought him back out and we sat together. I didn’t know I had that effect on him,” Grier reflected.

“He’s such a lovely person, I just couldn’t imagine him lying in urine.”

While their first meeting was less than ideal, Snoop does credit Grier for teaching him a lot following his return from the bathroom.

“She gave me information on how to be a better actor, a better person and how to receive people like this who you are infatuated with,” Snoop explained.

"So I thanked her for that. And I believe I became a better actor after that.”

Featured Image Credit: Miramax/Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images for E11EVEN

Topics: Celebrity, Entertainment, Music, Snoop Dogg, Film and TV