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People disturbed by bizarre clip of OJ Simpson pretending to stab Ruby Wax as it goes viral after his death

People disturbed by bizarre clip of OJ Simpson pretending to stab Ruby Wax as it goes viral after his death

Ruby Wax interviewed OJ Simpson on her show and gave her quite the surprise afterwards

Old footage of OJ Simpson pretending to stab Ruby Wax after an interview has re-emerged following his death.

OJ Simpson's family released a statement confirming he had died after a cancer diagnosis.

The statement said: "On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer.

"He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. During this time of transition, his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace."

The former NFL player was being interviewed by Ruby Wax as part of the series Ruby Wax Meets..., which ran from 1996 to 1998.

This saw her interviewing figures Pamela Anderson, Donald Trump, and of course, OJ Simpson.

Her interview with Simpson in 1998 included her bluntly asking him if he murdered his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, who he was accused of murdering in 1994, two years after he and Brown divorced.

His trial was dubbed 'the trial of the century', and saw millions following every detail as it unfolded.

Ultimately Simpson was acquitted at the criminal trial, but in 1997, a civil jury found that he was liable for wrongful death, and he was ordered to pay Brown's family $33.5 million in damages.

This wasn't his only brush with the law, however, as in 2008, he was charged on twelve accounts of armed robbery after an incident in Las Vegas saw him lead five men into a confrontation with two sports memorabilia dealers.

He served nine years in prison before being released in 2017.

But it's his interview with Wax two years after his infamous trial that has got people talking.

OJ Simpson has passed away. (Focus on Sport/Getty Images)
OJ Simpson has passed away. (Focus on Sport/Getty Images)

A short clip of the interview begins with a seemingly irritated Simpson telling Wax: "If you promise that you will not ask me another question, we won't have to talk about it."

Wax then responds: "I will never ask again, just did you do it?"

Simpson cracks a slightly exasperated smile, before answering: "No I didn't, nope, did not do it."

That was seemingly the end of the interview, with the show then cutting away to Wax.

Simpson denied killing his ex wife and her friend in the clip. (BBC)
Simpson denied killing his ex wife and her friend in the clip. (BBC)

But the most memorable part of the encounter was yet to come - as the actor introduces a 'surprise' segment.

She tells the audience: "After we finished filming OJ said to me that he had a surprise for me, and I genuinely was surprised.

"I think it was his idea of a joke, and this is it."

The shot then cut away to a video of OJ Simpson pretending to stab Wax with a banana while making a screeching sound, like in the movie Psycho.

Simpson pretends to stab Ruby Wax with a banana. (BBC)
Simpson pretends to stab Ruby Wax with a banana. (BBC)

It then moves into a close up of Simpson grinning at the camera.

And commenters had a lot of things to say after seeing the re-emerged clip online.

One person wrote on X: "I find this so disturbing just CHILLING," while another wrote: "I've never seen this before but this is f***ing mad."

A third wrote: "That’s outrageous."

And a fourth just said: "Wtf."

Featured Image Credit: BBC

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