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LL Cool J tells Miranda Lambert to 'get over it' after she scolds fan for taking selfie mid-concert

LL Cool J tells Miranda Lambert to 'get over it' after she scolds fan for taking selfie mid-concert

The American rapper had some words of advice for the 39-year-old country star.

American rapper LL Cool J has had his say on the recent Miranda Lambert controversy - and his opinion makes perfect sense.

Earlier this month, Miranda Lambert, 39, made headlines after she made the decision to halt her live Las Vegas show.

She purposefully hit pause while performing her song Tin Man, so that she had the opportunity to scold a group of women who were too busy taking selfies down the front.

Stopping mid-track, she said: “I’m gonna stop right here for a second. I’m sorry. These girls are worried about their selfie and not listening to the song, and it is p****** me off a little bit.”

A clip of the divisive moment has since been posted online and has gone viral. Now LL Cool J - real name James Todd Smith - has weighed in on the discussion.

On Thursday, 19 July, the 55-year-old star appeared on Mercedes in the Morning to discuss the country singers’ recent actions.

When asked if he would ever call out a fan for taking a selfie at his show, he began laughing before curtly replying, ‘no’.

"Miranda, get over it, baby,” he added. "They're fans. It's fans.”

The NCIS actor continued to say that ‘the way people choose to interact with art or engage it or appreciate it is up to them’, and that if fans want to go to his show and ‘eat a bowl of potato salad’ they can.

“You gotta let the fans do what they want to do. What about the thousands of people who aren’t doing that? What, you got rules? No yellow shirts.”

Lambert's comments have divided the internet .
Miranda Lambert Instagram/@mirandalambert

Speaking about Lambert herself, LL Cool J said: “I'm not gonna judge her. I have nothing unkind to say about her. I wish her the best.

“She has the right to her feelings. But to me, I let the fans be the fans and do what they want to do.”

However, the New York-born musician isn’t the only celebrity to get into a debate regarding the recent concert-gate situation.

Whoopi Goldberg made headlines after she ‘walked off’ a TV panel show while discussing the moment with a 91-year-old cast member.

Defending Lambert’s decision to get annoyed at her fans, the 67-year-old actor told The View panel said: "You know what? Stay home. If you're going to spend $750 to come to my concert, then give me the respect of watching me while I do my thing, or don't come.”

After the comment, Goldberg stood up and walked over to the member of the audience with whom she was having the debate with.

She joked: "I want to take a picture with this marvellous woman, who is 91. So, we're going to do a selfie. Just me and you.”

"Will you push that button? We'll be right back,” she added cheekily.

Featured Image Credit: Monica Schipper / Staff/TikTok/@redneckinvegas

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