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Jessica Biel opens up about her controversial shower habit and it's left people disgusted

Jessica Biel opens up about her controversial shower habit and it's left people disgusted

The 7th Heaven star has divided TikTok users with her latest candid admission

Jessica Biel has divided fans after getting candid about her ‘top level’ showering habit.

As well as being known for her roles as Sophie in 2006’s The Illusionist and Erin in 2003's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Biel is also a mother-of-two.

The 41-year-old shares her two sons Silas, eight, and Phineas, two, with her husband Justin Timberlake and while the pair regularly attend red-carpet events, they do prefer to keep their sons away from prying eyes.

In one of her latest social media updates, Biel has revealed a peculiar ritual that sees her taking some serious me-time away from her children.

Taking to TikTok earlier this month, the Hollywood actor revealed that getting clean isn’t the only thing that goes down in her bathroom.

In the viral video, the 7th Heaven star discussed how she finds one habit ‘deeply satisfying’ and believes it to be the perfect form of multitasking.

The activity? Eating in the shower, of course.

In her original video, she revealed: "I think maybe some of you know this about me.

"But I love to eat in the shower. I love to eat and drink in the shower. Shower appropriate items like cereal or yogurt. Coffee, tea, popsicles. I know, melt factor. But safe, you know, anything drops, you're good."

After the clip went viral, Biel took to TikTok again to discuss why she enjoys eating while washing, explaining: “Guys, thanks for all these questions about shower eating.

“I’m just so thrilled everyone is so interested. I really want to start a movement, a shower-eating movement.

“I like to take a bite or a sip and put it on the ledge, and then you do your thing.”

Jessica Biel said she found eating in the shower to be 'deeply satisfying'.

She explained that chowing down while lathering yourself with bubbles is ‘pretty simple’ and that the trick is to chew with your mouth closed.

The star continued: “The only tricky thing is that when you’re chewing, you got to keep your mouth closed because I still like to get under the water while I’m chewing, and for whatever reason, I want to open my mouth at the same time and spit water.”

“Chew, do not open the mouth [and] do not let the shower water in,” she added. “There you go, enjoy your shower-consuming.”

Following Biel's candid confession fans have rushed to the comments section of the video to debate her time-saving hack.

One TikTok user commented: “I got four kids, they eat my food, I stand behind this 100 percent since it’s the only place I have privacy.”

“I think it’s just called hiding from your family,” replied a second. “That’s what I call it.”

Another added: “No no food in the bathroom!!! Drinks are fine.”

The Hollywood star has divided fans in the comments section of her viral video.

“Jessica Biel is life goals for living in the moment and being present,” claimed a fourth.

Someone else said: “Yeah… Don’t know about that but… PLEASE, AGAIN, MAKE MORE MOVIES.”

“Omg I love this,” replied another viewer. “Such a mom thing to do! Gonna try it out.”

You know, maybe it’s time to take a leaf out of Biel's book - she could be on to something here!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jessbiel

Topics: Celebrity, Social Media, TikTok, Weird