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Dave Bautista has a strange clause in all of his movie contracts

Dave Bautista has a strange clause in all of his movie contracts

The former WWE star isn't afraid of asking for what he wants

Actors are often depicted as being divas with all sorts of demands and requirements, but one clause actor Dave Bautista has written into his contracts is definitely one I can get behind.

The Guardians of the Galaxy actor got into Hollywood movies a little later than a lot of big-name actors, having previously focused on all things WWE.

That doesn't mean he doesn't know his worth, though, and Bautista isn't afraid of asking for what he wants before embarking on a new role.

The actor most recently appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, but with a range of upcoming projects in the works, Bautista will need to stay fit and healthy.

To help him do this, Bautista follows a careful diet; one he doesn't want to be interrupted by work.

To ensure he stays on track while filming, Bautista has previously told Men's Health that he has a clause in his contract which states he 'has to eat no less than every four hours'.

I could do with one of those myself, to be honest.

Dave Bautista has his eating schedule written into his contract.
Marvel Studios

Speaking to the publication in 2021, he explained: “In between those meals if I get hungry, I typically do an almond butter and banana, or a vegan, gluten-free grilled cheese is my favorite go-to."

Bautista said he followed a mainly plant-based diet, but he did have fish a few times a week.




As well as monitoring his food, Bautista, unsurprisingly, also spends a lot of time in the gym.

The actor said at the time that he heads to the gym every single day - sometimes even cramming in two workout sessions - and in 2022 he credited bodybuilding with 'saving his life'.

Dave Bautista is an avid gym-goer - if you couldn't tell.
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

"I was in a lot of trouble, getting in the worst kind of trouble and hanging out with the worst kinds of people. I just didn’t have anywhere to channel all my anger and aggression. And when I found a gym, it became therapeutic for me," he said.

"I loved wrestling, I really loved training. So I started training for years and then when I got out of high school, all I wanted to do was be a bodybuilder...

"I loved training so much that I turned it into professional wrestling... I started to take my body I had from bodybuilding and my athletic ability from wrestling, and turned that into a career, which led into film... That’s where it all started for me."

Bautista has come a long way since then, really showing what dedication - and eating every four hours - can do for you.

Featured Image Credit: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images for BFI / Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb

Topics: Film and TV, Dave Bautista, Celebrity, Food and Drink, Health