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Christian Bale breaks ground on heartwarming project he's fought for 16 years to see built

Christian Bale breaks ground on heartwarming project he's fought for 16 years to see built

Christian Bale has donated 22 million towards the community center for foster children

Actor Christian Bale celebrates after he breaks new ground on his 16 year commitment to ‘making sure foster siblings stay together’.

The ‘Dark Knightactor posed for a picture, while grinning and holding a shovel full of dirt, surrounded by politicians and donors in LA after success with his long-awaited project.

The actor has shared how he’s poured himself into a community center and housing project called Together California, a charity that helps siblings who are in foster care stay together.

What a guy!

The star is well known for pushing boundaries for what he loves, as he showed determination for his art by slimming down dramatically for his role in ‘The Machinist’ back in 2004, where he said he lived off ‘one apple and one can of tuna a day.'

The actor has donated 22 million. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY
The actor has donated 22 million. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY

There’s no arguing that the man is disciplined - and committed.

The 50-year-old shared that he ‘wasn’t scared of getting deep in the mud’ after sharing that he regularly visits the site that the homes are being built on, and has now confirmed that 12 homes, anchored by the community center, are set to be finished in April of 2025.

12 homes have already been built by the charity. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY IMAGES
12 homes have already been built by the charity. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY IMAGES

He said of his heart-warming success: “It’s something that is incredibly satisfying for me, and I want to be involved every step of the way,

“Maybe this is the first one, and maybe this is the only one, and that would be great. But I’m quietly hoping that there’ll be many of these.”

He went on to say: "I didn't think it was going to take that long.

"I had a very naive idea about kind of getting a piece of land and then, bringing kids in and the brothers and sisters living together and sort of singing songs like the Von Trapp family in 'The Sound of Music.'"

"It's way more complex. These are people's lives. And we need to be able to have them land on their feet when they age out. There's so much involved in this."

The charity has been ongoing for 16 years. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY IMAGES
The charity has been ongoing for 16 years. Credit:ROBIN L MARSHALL/GETTY IMAGES

Since his charity started, Bale has been involved in many children and family service meetings. He decided to bring in Tim McCormick to help with his charity, as he already heads his own - who better to have on board.

"He said we've got to do this in California.

"To his credit, through all sorts of challenges, COVID and everything else, he never gave up."

The project is estimated to cost $22 million as Bale is determined to build more homes for foster children and confirms the community center is set to be finished in 2025.

Featured Image Credit: Credit:KCAL

Topics: Celebrity, Charity, US News, Film and TV, Money