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Aubrey Plaza was asked by director to actually masturbate on camera for coming-of-age film

Aubrey Plaza was asked by director to actually masturbate on camera for coming-of-age film

Aubrey Plaza played an inexperienced teen in the movie directed by Maggie Carey

Aubrey Plaza revealed she was asked to actually masturbate on camera for a movie in which she played an inexperienced high school student.

When it comes to teenage rom-coms, there's certainly no shortage of awkward moments in the bedroom.

The scenes are often uncomfortable to watch, but usually we can reassure ourselves in the knowledge that it's all fake - the facial expressions, movements and noises just a simulation for the sake of the camera.

Unless they're not.

During an interview with Conan O'Brien, Aubrey Plaza opened up about her own experience filming a scene in her 2013 movie The To Do List, in which her character, Brandy, spends some alone time pleasuring herself.

Brandy is attempting to increase her sexual experiences before she heads off to college, and that includes getting to know herself a bit better.

However, Plaza didn't realize quite how much she'd be getting to know Brandy until she arrived on set.

Aubrey Plaza starred in The To Do List in 2013. (CBS Films)
Aubrey Plaza starred in The To Do List in 2013. (CBS Films)

She told O'Brien she'd expected to simulate the act, but when she approached director Maggie Carey for advice, Plaza said Carey replied: "Masturbate, like it says in the script."

Plaza joked: "When I showed up, the camera was mounted on the ceiling, I was in my underwear and a Clinton T-shirt and there were a bunch of old men smoking. You know, the crew guys!"

The actor went on to clarify that the crew weren't actually smoking, but that was the image she'd painted in her memory.

"And then I went and touched myself,” she continued.

“I thought I was doing one thing and then, when I showed up, it was a whole different thing; it was a full-body shot.”

Plaza didn't expect the shot to show her full body. (CBS Films)
Plaza didn't expect the shot to show her full body. (CBS Films)

Carey has also previously spoken about Plaza's performance in the movie, commending the actor for being 'so brave'.

Speaking to Screen Slam, she said: "She was game for everything, you know, which was so fun.

"And she had no problem putting herself in these very awkward situations. But, you know, it's played for comedy and she just nailed it.

"It was just so fun to work with her, yeah, she's very gutsy."

Though Plaza and Carey seem to be pretty accepting of how The To Do List came together, internet users have pointed out that the situation would probably look a little different if it took place today.

"They all laugh it away, but this isn't ok. You can't order someone to pleasure herself for a tv show," one critic commented.

LADbible Group previously contacted Carey’s team for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Mike Marsland/WireImage via Getty/CBS Films

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV