**Content warning: contains information that could be triggering for people with eating disorders**
It’s rare that a day goes by without a Kardashian hitting the headlines for something they’ve said or done on social media, and Kim is back in the firing line after sharing video of a body scan which shows her body fat percentage.
Eating disorder experts have called out the star for sharing the footage which could be triggering to her millions of followers.
In the video on her Instagram, which is no longer available, the 41-year-old filmed herself getting her results.
In the clip she says: “A year ago my body fat percentage was 25 percent and now it’s at 18.8 percent… athlete category.”
It also showed that her bones are stronger than 93 percent of the population.

While it is well-known that Kim works out and eats well, people are calling her out for her decision to share the video and her results, with many saying it promotes unrealistic and irresponsible body standards to her fans.
Reddit users were baffled, with one saying: “Boasting about her bone density is something I didn’t see coming, even from Kim.”
While another commented: “Her posting her body fat percentage and how she restricts eating- it’s so toxic like it could trigger thousands of people who have EDs or don’t even have on yet.”
On Twitter another said: “I don’t expect everyone else to avoid my personal triggers but Kim Kardashian is well aware of how influential she has been on body standards and to broadcast this is just incredibly irresponsible for the millions of young people that follow her.”
Someone else wrote: “She literally has access to every treatment and medication in the world which the common folk doesn’t. Her lack of awareness truly will lead to trauma for many.”
And another commented: “Kim Kardashian boasting about how unhealthily low her body fat percentage is actually a slap in the face. Her entire family have spent the last decade profiting off of making young women feel like sh*t like for the love of God f*** off.”
Eating disorder experts also agree.
“For people with eating disorders, specific details around people’s weight, behaviours, food intake and so on can be incredibly unhelpful. We often use the term ‘compare and despair’, because that’s exactly what these kind of stats can lead to,” a spokesperson for Eating Disorders Victoria told Junkee.
“Eating disorders tend to make people feel unworthy or not sick enough for help as it is — adding another yardstick for comparison just compounds this,” they added.
Kim is yet to respond to the backlash of sharing her body scan, but this isn’t something that is new to the reality TV star.
In June she faced criticism after boasting about losing weight to fit into a dress originally designed for Marilyn Monroe. She admitted she lost 16 pounds in just three weeks, however experts highlighted the dangers of losing such a significant amount of weight in such a short space of time.
If you've been affected by any of the issues in this article and would like to speak with someone in confidence, call the BEAT Eating Disorders helpline on 0808 801 0677. Helplines are open 365 days a year from 9am–8pm during the week, and 4pm–8pm on weekends and bank holidays. Alternatively, you can try the one-to-one webchat
Topics: Kim Kardashian, Celebrity, News