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Johnny Depp wows fans as he's spotted talking as a non-bearded Captain Jack Sparrow

Johnny Depp wows fans as he's spotted talking as a non-bearded Captain Jack Sparrow

Johnny Depp left fans in awe as he was spotted talking to them in character as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Johnny Depp has delighted fans by slipping into character as Captain Jack Sparrow while meeting them.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor was out and about when he met with a fan and effortlessly transformed into his iconic character from the box-office busting movies.

While at first he's chatting with the fan using his normal voice, at a moment's notice the distinctive tones of Jack Sparrow and the slurred speech patterns are coming out.

Some people weren't sure whether it was Johnny Depp at first on account of him being clean-shaven, something Jack Sparrow never really was, but that voice is unmistakable.

While the lack of a beard might throw you off at the start, once he starts doing his act it's easy to tell that it's really Depp there.

The footage was posted onto TikTok, where fans praised Depp for taking the time to transform into Jack Sparrow right in front of a fan's eyes.

Johnny Depp appeared as Captain Jack Sparrow in several Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Maximum Film / Alamy Stock Photo

One person wrote they 'love how he can go into character so fast', while another said he 'slipped right into the spirit of Captain Jack Sparrow'.

Someone else said Depp showed he was a 'wonderful guy', and another said 'he looks happy' to be interacting with fans and bringing people joy.

Others couldn't believe that anyone would mistake Depp for someone else, even without his beard, with one saying 'ITS SO OBVIOUS ITS HIM'.

While he might not be slated to return as the pirate on the big screen again, slipping back into the boots of Captain Jack is something Depp appears to love doing very much.

The actor has regularly appeared in character as Jack Sparrow.
Dom Slike / Alamy Stock Photo

He's been spotted putting on the voice and mannerisms when out and about encountering fans, and he's pulled a few stunts as the iconic character too.

On occasion he's gone the whole hog and got into costume to make an appearance, famously surprising guests at Disneyland when they went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

It was described as a 'surreal moment' by those who ended up seeing him as they went by on the ride, while Depp later joked on The Graham Norton Show that in response he got 'all of the iPhones in the world'.

The actor has also donned his iconic costume from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies to visit sick children in hospital in character as Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Featured Image Credit: @myjohnnydepp_1 / TikTok

Topics: Johnny Depp, Film and TV, Celebrity