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Dwayne Johnson already knows what his last meal will be before he dies

Dwayne Johnson already knows what his last meal will be before he dies

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has revealed his death-row dinner, the last meal before he kicks the bucket

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has revealed what his last meal ever would be if he knew he was going to die.

It’s something to remember if he ever gets into some serious criminal trouble and ends up on death row, although that seems pretty unlikely.

Over the years people have become pretty interested in what Dwayne Johnson eats all the time, and – to be fair – his cheat meals are the stuff of legend.

He’s known to give himself the day off from a carefully controlled diet and exercise regime, chowing down on massive amounts of food, including humungous plates of pancakes, eggs, and pizza.

The Rock spends a lot of time in his gym earning his cheat meals.
Instagram/The Rock

Hey, we all love a bit of that sometimes, don’t we?

However, most of us don’t spend the vast majority of our time in the gym or watching what we put into our bodies.

Now, in an interview with Men’s Health, The Most Electric Man in Sports Entertainment has revealed what he’d eat if he was just about to kick the bucket.

People who get annoyed about toppings, here’s an early trigger warning.

It’s a double dough pizza, on which half is bacon and pineapple, and the other half is pepperoni.

The Rock says he wants a half-and-half pizza for his last meal.
YouTube/Men's Health

OK, so people really don’t like the idea of having pineapple on pizza, but how many of them are seriously going to argue with The Rock about it.

The guy is an absolute unit, after all.

To be fair, some wouldn’t agree with the double dough either, but they’d be real pizza purists.

Anyway, nothing about Johnson’s diet should surprise anyone, as he’s been revealing his strange and unusual snacks that he consumes on his day off for a while.

A while back, he shared a huge plate of sushi, with a massive load of wasabi on it, as well as two absolutely gigantic chocolate chip cookies.

Well, he always seems to enjoy the meals.
Instagram/The Rock

Informing fans of his motto, he said: "Don't cheat yourselves, treat yourselves and enjoy your cheat meals, my friends."

Now, there’s a tune we can all dance to.

Of course, you’ve got to put in the work in the gym and on non-cheat days if you’re going to actually see the benefits.

In another cheat, he made himself a gigantic plate of Bolognese pasta with toasted garlic bagels with butter.

Oh, and a big bottle of tequila to ‘bring it on home tonight’.

If anyone was thinking of arguing with The Rock about his food choices, they 100 percent wouldn’t do it after he’s got a bottle of that tequila in him.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/The Rock

Topics: Food and Drink, Dwayne Johnson, Celebrity, Weird