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Daniel Radcliffe has a problem with people calling themselves an 'ally'

Daniel Radcliffe has a problem with people calling themselves an 'ally'

The Harry Potter star is known for being outspoken on LGBTQ+ issues

Daniel Radcliffe has often been praised as an 'ally' to the LGBTQ+ community, but it seems that the Harry Potter star isn't too keen on the term.

The 33-year-old actor made the admission while taking part in a roundtable discussion for The Trevor Project, an organisation who provide crisis support to LGBTQ youth.

While speaking on Sharing Space - a series that looks to elevate the voices of transgender and non-binary people - Radcliffe said: "I said this to you all earlier, about my weird little problems with the word 'ally,' just because anytime you hear somebody self-refer to themself as an ally, I'm always like, 'I'm suspicious of you'.

"But there is an original meaning to that word, and there [are] some people who embody that very powerfully."

Other panellists agreed with Radcliffe's analysis of the word.

Deity the Why responded: "I think on the flip side of allyism… we as people in this community, we have to often times accept that even with allies, we still have to communicate what makes us feel good and what are boundaries.

"Like, the first thing a person that calls themselves an ally thinks is that 'Because I believe in you and because I see you the way you want to be seen, I can't do anything else wrong."

Daniel Radcliffe admitted he has a problem with the word 'ally'.
YouTube/The Trevor Project

Another participant, Mateo-Luis, concurred: "Sometimes it takes for someone to really step into what we would consider allyship, for someone to understand what it's like to live in your shoes."

This project comes a few years after Radcliffe spoke out against statements made by Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

When Rowling expressed criticism of trans-inclusive language in 2020, Radcliffe responded: "Transgender women are women.

"Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I."

Daniel Radcliffe and JK Rowling (pictured in 2011) haven't seen eye to eye in recent years.
Warner Brothers

Reflecting on the comments in 2022, the actor said: "The reason I felt very, very much as though I needed to say something when I did was because, particularly since finishing Potter, I’ve met so many queer and trans kids and young people who had a huge amount of identification with Potter on that.

"And so seeing them hurt on that day I was like, I wanted them to know that not everybody in the franchise felt that way. And that was really important.

"It was really important as I’ve worked with The Trevor Project for more than 10 years, and so I don’t think I would’ve been able to look myself in the mirror had I not said anything."

Radcliffe has been a long time supporter of LGBTQ+ rights, and The Trevor Project in particular.

He began making public service announcements for the group in 2009 and was awarded a Hero Award by the organisation in 2011.

Speaking of his work with the Trevor Project in 2010, Radcliffe said: "I have always hated anybody who is not tolerant of gay men or lesbians or bisexuals.

"Now I am in the very fortunate position where I can actually help or do something about it."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/The Trevor Project

Topics: Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter, JK Rowling, LGBTQ, Celebrity