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Chris Hemsworth responds to man who claims people think they look alike

Chris Hemsworth responds to man who claims people think they look alike

Some people think he was trying to help the man out on Valentine's Day

In our celebrity-obsessed world, it only stands to reason that people can and do compare themselves to A-listers.

But what they likely don't expect is for those famous faces to reply, which is what happened to this man who thinks he looks like Chris Hemsworth.

The man, known only as Justin on Twitter, most likely got the shock of his life when he shared a picture comparing himself to the Thor actor.

Justin captioned the original post: "A bunch of girls told me I look just like Chris hemsworth haha. do you agree? [sic]"

Hemsworth was probably the last person Justin expected to reply.
Twitter / @chrishemsworth

As you can imagine, the last person he probably expected to reply was Hemsworth himself, but sometimes the internet is full of brilliant surprises.

Reacting to the comparison, Hemsworth simply said: "This guy thought he'd trick us all by posting himself twice…"

Needless to say, fans of the actor went wild, including Justin, who seemed more than a little chuffed that the star appeared to agree with the comparison.

He wrote: "thank you brother Chris, but alas, i am the one on the right. If you ever need an extra stunt double you know where to find me [sic]."

However, while Justin clearly thinks he looks like the actor, it's safe to say that other Twitter users were not in agreement.

This included the glasses brand Specsavers, who said that they were now scouring the replies to the post in search of new customers.

They joked: "Here looking for customers."

Hemsworth is certainly a handsome man.
Alamy / AFF

Another Twitter user then speculated that Hemsworth was simply trying to do Justin a favour on Valentine's Day.

They wrote: "Helping out this guy on Valentine's Day is pretty legendary [sic]."

"I know why you're helping this guy out," agreed a third, implying that Hemsworth is a hero not only of the silver screen but in real life too.

Some Twitter users think Hemsworth was doing Justin a favour.
Twitter / @mistahwoodhouse

Then there were other users who couldn't help but joke about the comparison.

One remarked: "The white of the eyeballs is quite similar, mind you."

"A haircut away from being twins," added a second while another wrote: "The resemblance is uncanny..."

"You never told us about your identical twin... Chris," joked a fourth.

Justin, however, clearly didn't pay any attention to the naysayers and updated his Twitter bio to confirm that his likeness to Thor was approved by the man himself.

Justin updated his Twitter bio after getting a reply from the actor.
Twitter / @kingblache

But perhaps the best reaction to the comparison came from this Twitter user who simply wrote: "You're such a good sport."

Featured Image Credit: @chrishemsworth/Instagram / @nothinbutlag/Twitter

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