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Bryan Cranston did an amazing thing for Dewey actor during shooting of Malcolm in the Middle

Bryan Cranston did an amazing thing for Dewey actor during shooting of Malcolm in the Middle

Bryan Cranston really looked after Erik Per Sullivan during the filming of Malcolm in the Middle

Bryan Cranston really looked after Dewey actor Erik Per Sullivan during the filming of Malcolm in the Middle.

Not only did Bryan play Erik's on-screen dad, but he was also incredibly caring off-screen too, with Jane Kaczmarek (mum of the family, Lois) saying that if you looked up the definition of kind, 'Bryan's photo would be there'.

Jane fondly remembered how caring Bryan was while making a speech at the ceremony for Bryan's star on the Hollywood walk of fame.

Talking about the man that played her on-screen husband Hal, she said: "Some of my fondest memories working with Bryan on Malcolm in the Middle are a Bryan taking care of those boys the kids who played our naughty children.

"He took care of them on stage and off, he encouraged them, he coaxed them to stop goofing around whether that was enough."

Not only did Bryan know when to stop the boys in their tracks, but he also knew how to take care of them.

She said: "Bryan frequently invited Erik Per Sullivan, the little boy who played Dewey, to come home and spend weekends with the Cranston family.

Bryan looked after the kids on and off screen.
AJ Pics / Alamy Stock Photo

"Now, this might not seem like a big deal, until you know that Eric lived with his mum in the Oakland apartments for the entire time that we filmed Malcolm in The Middle. So, coming home with Bryan for the weekend meant that Eric's mum could fly back to Boston to see her husband, and Eric, who was an only child, could spend some normal time with a normal family. Sort of."

She went on to detail that Erik was with the family for major life events: basketball games, when they adopted their dog, and numerous Halloweens.

Kaczmarek even remembered on Halloween: "Bryan dressed them up as Siegfried and Roy," for anyone who doesn't know, they were the guys that used to keep tigers and were eventually mauled.

Jane made the speech at Bryan's hollwood star ceremony.
Featureflash Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

So, Bryan dressed them up, with 'stuffed tigers and blood all over Erik's neck' she added that the actor had 'shades of Walter White even back then'.

And, while Jane was impressed with Bryan's dedication to the boys, she wouldn't have done the same herself, saying that as much as she 'liked those TV kids, as much as any TV mum would, there's no way I was bringing any of them home with me'.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock/Disney

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV, News, Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad