A Tesla driver who couldn't quite make it to a charging bay before his car ran out of power came up with a novel idea and lay down in the space so nobody else could take it.
Surely the only thing worse than your car dying is it running out of juice close enough to salvation, that it feels like the universe is mocking you.
That's what happened recently to one man who got his Tesla so close to a charging point before it run out of power, and instead of seeing another driver nab the spot he wanted, the man behind the wheel decided some creative thinking was in order.
Footage shows him lying on the ground in the charging bay blocking another car from getting in to nab the spot.
After 15 minutes on the tarmac, someone came over and helped him out, sticking his car into transport mode so it could be rolled into the charging bay.

While undoubtedly effective, this has been a pretty divisive tactic from the driver as there are plenty who think it demonstrates a flaw in electric cars, or perhaps just reckoned it was a dangerous thing to do.
Someone said you 'don't see that kind of silliness at the fuel pumps' and another declared that you 'wouldn't have that problem with a v8'.
A third wondered if anyone with a petrol car had ever laid down in front of a gas station pump because they'd run out of fuel and didn't want to miss their spot.
Then again, the length of time it takes to fill up a non-electric car probably makes that a very silly idea.
Others pointed out that the car dying wasn't because it was electric, it was because the driver let the battery run down too much in the first place.

They said he 'should have planned his charging better' while another expressed concern that he was very close to turning into a 'squishy speed bump'.
One said there were lots of people who 'don't realize just how many people run their cars till it's on empty and are stranded'.
More said if he really must block off the space then he should at least do it standing up so other drivers could more easily see him.
While he was lying down at the mouth of the charging bay and easier to see than he might have been, it would still have been safer for him to be stood up.
Topics: Technology, Cars, Tesla