We all have a smart phone these days, don't we? To be honest, I think a lot of us would be the first to admit we use them a bit too much.
These days cell phones can be used for more than just calling and texting people like in the past.
We can surf the web and even complete the dreaded Christmas shopping in what we think is a piece of technology that is rather safe to use.
Well, while mobile devices are often seen as largely safe, a professional hacker has revealed why they may not be as safe as you may think.
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Keiran Burge - a security consultant at Prism Infosec and a professional hacker - has revealed some common mistakes you may be guilty of that could let hackers exploit your devices in just seconds.
Essentially, Burge's job sees him tests companies' cybersecurity to find weaknesses before criminals do, so he really does know what he is talking about.
First of all, you want to be make sure your device is up-to-date with the latest software, as that is one of the first things hackers look out for when preparing an attack, according to Burge.

"Out-of-date software is a really big issue because, if the software has been updated, it's probably because there is a security issue," he told the Mail Online.
If you haven't updated your software, Burge says "people can get in and steal really sensitive information and even sometimes take control of the software."
Another thing you definitely don't want to be doing is reusing passwords, as this is a common way for hackers to get valuable information.
"No matter what site you're giving information to you, you don't know what they're going to do with that information or how they're going to protect it," Burge explained.

And even if just one site is comprised, hackers can then potentially gain access to other accounts if you are using the same password.
Burge said: "As soon as a company is breached there's usually a big database dump that gets put on the darkweb."
Another thing Burge points out is important to remember comes with how much information you share online.
"On a personal level, for someone in their day-to-day activities one of the most important things that people need to think about is how much information they're sharing online," the hacker noted.
So, there you have it - some of the best ways to keep your mobile device safe.
Topics: Technology