A video showing astronauts having a bit of trouble walking around on the moon has some people questioning whether the whole trip up there happened at all. The video is worth watching anyway, because it’s pretty damn funny:
The first thing we should note here is that it’s fairly incredible that people still don’t believe that the moon landing really happened.
In truth, if it did turn out that the whole thing was false it would be a massive story, and for good reason.
Just make sure you never suggest to Buzz Aldrin that he didn’t really go to the moon, he’s been known to get fairly cross about that sort of thing in the past, even once punching a conspiracy theorist as a result.
Anyway, the video showing people walking on the moon seems to suggest that it’s a fair bit tougher than you might at first imagine.
The guys up there seem to struggle to hold their balance, as well as finding it tough to get much traction to move around.
In the short video taken up there by the NASA astronauts, they even seem to get a little frustrated at times.
Come on guys, most people can only dream of having the chance to try to walk on the moon – try to have a bit of fun with it.

After seeing the video shared on Twitter, a number of people have said that it just makes them more convinced that no-one ever went up there.
One wrote: “It’s so fake that, no other country tried it again," while another said: “Studio was slippery.”
That’s of course a reference to the theory that the whole thing was shot in a movie studio.
To be fair, if it was it’s arguably as impressive as the moon landing itself, given the technology that would have been available to those in the cinema industry at the time.
Another conspiracy theorist said: “So how is the camera/cameraman so steady......and if they are struggling to walk just one step how did they succeed to set up the camera for the video in the first place????”
Well, the camera would have been on a tripod, therefore nice and steady. Also, they probably dug the legs of the tripod into the dirt.
You see, the problem with trying to walk on the moon is that gravity is so much less up there, meaning that everything only weighs about 17 percent of what it would weigh down on earth.
That’s going to make walking as you would down here difficult.
You’d have to essentially learn to do it all over again in different gravity.

What’s more, those space suits can’t exactly have been easy to get around in, can they?
They’re huge – which they have to be – and presumably movement would be reduced.
Add all the other factors to that, and you can start to see why they might have struggled.
Or, perhaps they just filmed it in a sound stage at Area 51 in New Mexico, with an alien standing behind the camera dressed as Stanley Kubrick.
Just believe whatever you want, really.
Topics: Technology, NASA, Weird, Space, Science