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Elon Musk has petty solution to being told Twitter has to keep sign up at head quarters

Elon Musk has petty solution to being told Twitter has to keep sign up at head quarters

The tech mogul has come up with a fix to the sign issue

Elon Musk has come up with a pretty petty solution to being told that Twitter has to keep its sign up at the headquarters in San Francisco.

Due to some conflicts with the building's landlord, the tech mogul has come up with an outside-of-the-box way of dealing with the demands.

Definitely on the more childish side of finding a fix - it's seems that Musk's actions have totally split the internet down the middle.

It all started when Musk fancied a change in the building's company sign.

Elon Musk has come up with a pretty petty solution to being told that Twitter has to keep its sign up.
AC NewsPhoto/Alamy Stock Photo

While it previously read 'Twitter' in vertical cascading letters complete with the iconic blue bird at the end of the sign, it's clear that the tech giant had some other ideas on what it should say.

Namely, Musk wanted to edit the sign to read 'Titter' instead.

Things then took a turn when the landlord notified Musk that they were not allowed to cut the 'w' out as the company was 'legally required' to keep their sign reading as 'Twitter'.

Getting creative with his ideas, Musk then decided not to remove the 'w' at all but instead camouflage it into the sign's background.

"Problem solved!"

Musk shared the news to the platform earlier today (10 April), tweeting: "Our landlord at SF HQ says we’re legally required to keep sign as Twitter & cannot remove 'w', so we painted it background color. Problem solved!"

He uploaded a photo of the amended sign which, low and behold, now reads as 'Titter' due to the handy paint job.

"They tried to muffle our titter," Musk posted in a follow-up tweet.

"They tried to muffle our titter."

The first tweet has since received an astounding 16.5 million views since it was first posted with the follow-up tweet, which was posted just a few hours ago, going on to rack up 2.8 million views and counting.

With an avalanche of comments between the two-post thread, it's fair to say that the sign reveal has since the internet into an absolute frenzy.

Some people are finding the whole fiasco absolutely hilarious with one Twitter user commenting: "Truly epic sir."

"OMFG LMFAO," a second added.

Musk's solution has garnered some mixed responses online.

A third posted: "You definitely are a problem solver, lol."

Others, however, were clearly not as impressed with Musk's petty quick fix, with one user writing: "What a f**king weirdo..."

A second posted: "This is a good move because you literally have no Ws," while a third echoed: "You sure know how to make Ws disappear huh."

"You are hilarious," a final Twitter user wrote... "to 12-year-old boys."

What do you make of it?

Featured Image Credit: GEORGE NIKITIN / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock / Sipa US / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Elon Musk, Social Media, Technology, Twitter, US News