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Joe Biden condemns affirmative action Supreme Court ruling

Joe Biden condemns affirmative action Supreme Court ruling

President Joe Biden has spoken out against the Supreme Court's decision to effectively end affirmative action in college administration.

President Joe Biden has spoken out against the Supreme Court's decision to effectively end affirmative action in college administration.

“I strongly, strongly disagree with the Court’s decision,” said President Biden in a press conference on Thursday.

Affirmative action in college admissions is a policy aimed to get a greater representation of minority groups into college.

Many selective schools across the country use a race-conscious admission process, in conjunction with grades and test scores, and extracurricular activities to ensure young Black, Hispanic and other minority students are not systemically left out of the college system.

“Many people wrongly believe that affirmative action allows unqualified students to be admitted ahead of qualified students,” said Biden.

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MediaPunch Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

“This is not how college admissions work.”

“Colleges first establish a qualified pool of candidates based on meeting certain grades, test scores, and other criteria.”

“Then and only then,” said Biden. “The class is chosen, after weighing a wide range of factors, among them being race.”

The Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action in college admissions in a 6-3 vote.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson were the three Supreme Court members who voted in favor of keeping affirmative action.

Justice Sotomayor said the Supreme Court’s decision 'rolls back decades of precedent and momentous progress.'

“I agree with that statement from the dissent,” said Biden.

“I’ve always believed that one of the greatest strengths of America,” said Biden. "Is our diversity.”

“I believe our colleges are stronger when they are racially diverse.”

The Biden-Harris Administration announced that they would be convening a National Summit on Educational Opportunity and releasing a report on increasing diversity and educational opportunities in colleges as a result of the Court’s decision.

The Administration will also be working with colleges to 'support student body diversity' and 'transparency in college admissions and enrollment practices.'

“We cannot let the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action be the last word,” said President Biden.

“While the Court can render a decision, it cannot change what America stands for.”

Featured Image Credit: Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo / Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Joe Biden, News, Politics