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'World's youngest serial killer' had murdered three people by eight years old

'World's youngest serial killer' had murdered three people by eight years old

The eight-year-old allegedly confessed to his crimes.

**Warning: Contains descriptions of suspected violence and killing.**

A child has become known as the 'world's youngest serial killer' after allegedly killing several people by the age of eight.

In 2007, a mother in the village of Mushahar in Bihar, India, reported her six-month-old daughter missing to police.

The child's body was later found during a police search, buried nearby.

The ‘World’s Youngest Serial Killer’ had allegedly murdered three people by the time he was eight years old.

Authorities launched an investigated into eight-year-old Amarjeet Sada after he allegedly told locals in the village he'd strangled the six-month-old and reportedly even showed them where he left her body - a few hours after the baby was discovered.

Sada was accused of not only killing the six-month-old, but also his eight-month-old sister and nine-month-old cousin.

News channel NDTV reported the story at the time, showing pictures of Sada outside of a local police station in the area.

After being taken into custody, Sada - who police claim has 'psychiatric disorders' - allegedly said: ​​"She was sleeping in the school. I took her a little away, and killed her with a stone and buried her."

Sada was later arrested and appeared in court for the killings.

However, since Sada was still under 18 at the time, he was placed in a remand home in a nearby town of Munger. The child was not able to be given the death sentence or sentenced to prison, but was able to be detained at a home until they turn 18, The Guardian reports.

He now reportedly lives under a new identity.
Santosh Kumar/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Sada is now around 23-years-old and over the minimum age to be sentenced to prison or death.

However, his current whereabouts remain unknown, according to an article by The Sun from 2023.

The article reports he was released at the age of 16 and now lives under a new identity.

While Sada is allegedly the youngest known serial killer in the world, Craig Price is the youngest serial killer in US history.

Price was arrested in 1989 at the age of 15 in connection with four murders.

He later confessed to his crimes - which he committed between the ages of 13 to 15 - however, as a result of not yet being 16, he was tried and convicted as a minor.

As a result of being charged with additional crimes while in prison, he's been sentenced to an additional 10-25 years and remains incarcerated to this day.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/ BigBrainco

Topics: World News, US News, True crime, Crime