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The UN says the era of global warming has ended and we’re now entering the stage of global boiling

The UN says the era of global warming has ended and we’re now entering the stage of global boiling

UN secretary general António Guterres said 'climate change is here...and it's terrifying'.

The era of global warming has ended and the era of 'global boiling' has began, according to the United Nations.

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” UN Secretary General António Guterres has explained to a press conference on Thursday (July 27).

“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C [above pre-industrial levels], and avoid the very worst of climate change.

"But only with dramatic, immediate climate action.”

Guterres’s comments followed the news this week that the past three weeks have been the hottest since records began and July will likely be the hottest month ever recorded.

“Humanity is in the hot seat,” Guterres said.

“For vast parts of North America, Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer. For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is unequivocal – humans are to blame.

“All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings.

"The only surprise is the speed of the change. Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

Guterres urged governments around the world to take immediate action.

“The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable<' he said.

"Leaders must lead. No more hesitancy, no more excuses, no more waiting for others to move first. There is simply no more time for that.

“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C and avoid the very worst of climate change but only with dramatic, immediate climate action.

"We have seen some progress – a robust rollout of renewables and some positive steps from sectors such as shipping – but none of this is going far enough or fast enough. Accelerating temperatures demand accelerated action.”

The World Meteorological Organization Secretary General, Petteri Taalas, added: “The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent than ever before. Climate action is not a luxury but a must.”

Heatwaves have been sweeping parts of Europe and the US for the past three weeks, while wildfires have ravaged Canada and floods have devastated parts of Northern India.

Scientists are warning the second half of the year will be even warmer as El Niño takes full effect.

Featured Image Credit: Halil Kahraman/ dia images via Getty Images. Surasak Suwanmake/Getty Images.

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