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World’s most remote post office has very unique job description

World’s most remote post office has very unique job description

The duties staff will embark on are certainly far from ordinary

Imagine working at the world's most remote post office? As you'd probably expect with such a unique opportunity, it comes with a very unique job description.

You wouldn't think a job where it would be pretty hard to get to and doesn't have much to offer in the surrounding area would have much interest.

But you'd honestly be surprised how many people apply to work at Port Lockroy in Antarctica, which has been dubbed the 'Penguin Post Office' in recent years.

The building is actually steeped in a lot of history, after being in that part of the world for the best part of 80 years.

Now British-owned, the area described as the 'size of a football field', is also a museum and managed by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust.

Port Lockroy in Antarctica.
Getty/Vishal Sharma

The Washington Post reports that the British charity hires four postmasters to live on the island and work in the post office from November to March each year.

Each person will have their own individual roles within the establishment, though they are all collectively responsible for maintaining the site and managing the thousands of tourists that visit that part of Antartica every year.

But perhaps the most unique part of the job description is all to do with the local wildlife.

When applying for a job at a post office what do you expect some of your main duties to be? You are probably thinking letter collecting, issuing foreign money, just to name a few.

Well, with this post office you will be counting penguins as part of the environmental data collection required.

Successful candidates certainly won't be living in luxury either, as accommodation sees you sharing a small lodge with three others for five months.

On top of that, the digs have no running water and there is no internet or cellphone service.

The post office is the world's most remote.
Facebook/UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

Camilla Nichol, the chief executive of the trust, told The Washington Post: "Living there is quite hard work. You might be working 12-hour days. There's not much time for rest and relaxation."

Not exactly luxury, right? And you'd think that would put a lot of folks off of applying.

Well, the charity still receives hundreds of applications every single year, with more than 2,500 people reportedly applying in one record-breaking year.

"We get people of all ages from all over the world," Nichol added.

"We are looking for people who are fit and resilient and really love meeting people and visitors."

Sadly, applications for this year have closed but be sure to keep an eye on the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust's website for details on how to apply next year.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/UK Antarctic Heritage Trust/ Instagram / ukantarticheritagetrust

Topics: Antarctica, World News