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The rental crisis is so bad in Canada that some prisoners are asking for their jail terms to be extended

The rental crisis is so bad in Canada that some prisoners are asking for their jail terms to be extended

They would prefer to remain behind bars than deal with the threat of homelessness on the outside.

There are countries all over the world that are experiencing a rental crisis that is out of control.

Whether it is a lack of available properties, skyrocketing rent or inflation, tenants are being crushed and are feeling the pinch.

However, it's so bad in Canada that some prisoners are wanting to remain in the slammer to avoid being affected by the spiralling issue.

Vancouver criminal defence lawyer, Melanie Begalka, said she has spoken to at least three inmates who are asking for their sentences to be extended because of the rental crisis.

Richard Lautens/Toronto Star via Getty Images

She wrote in a tweet that inmates also fear the dangerous drugs that are on the streets as well as a 'general lack of resources'.

"A terrible indictment of society when the best people can do is jail," Melanie said.

Begalka opened up about the incredible development in an interview with Now Toronto.

She said: "It has been the case for years that some people who are homeless find a reprieve from their circumstances in jail.

"I first encountered it when I was a law student, while Stephen Harper was Prime Minister.

“I think that the housing crisis is a major problem that all levels of government need to be doing more to address.

"It is particularly acute in rural and remote areas of the country where local municipalities have fewer resources.

“My tweet was not actually trying to make a political statement.


"Just expressing my sadness and frustration at the difficult, and often overlooked circumstances of the people I help."

Canada's Finance Minister said the housing market could take years to resolve even if construction hits an 80-year high.

Chrystia Freeland said the federal government will need to work closely with provinces, cities and towns, the private sector and non-profits to find a way out of the crisis.

She added that they are looking at a range of measures to ease the pressure on the situation but warned there won't be a quick fix.

One of those is removing the federal 5 per cent tax on the construction of new rental apartment buildings.

CTV News says housing is primarily the responsibility of Canada's 10 provinces rather than the federal government.

However, Freeland says it will take a 'national effort' to ensure it gets resolved.

Featured Image Credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images. MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images

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