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'Living Nostradamus' gets 2024 prediction correct after warning of ‘days of darkness’

'Living Nostradamus' gets 2024 prediction correct after warning of ‘days of darkness’

Athos Salomé has previously claimed to have 'predicted' the coronavirus pandemic

The man described as the 'Living Nostradamus' has made a correct prediction for 2024.

Athos Salomé has made several predictions for 2024, and if we're being honest few of them look very positive.

Salomé warned that 2024 would see the beginning of a 'new chapter in human history', which could mean something good.

It's when he predicts global catastrophe, aliens, and a robot rebellion that things turn a little sour.

Among the predictions for 2024 is that artificial intelligence will 'awaken'.

This could lift AI from being used to generate images to spam social media and become the fully-fledged threat to humanity.

At least it's not Biden or Trump.

Another prediction involved the arrival of an asteroid rich in minerals, prompting people scrambling to exploit them.

But it's another prediction entirely which seems to have already come true.

Salomé has had one prediction about 2024.
Instagram / athos_salome

This is about Salomé's prediction that 2024 would see 'three days of darkness'.

If that sounds rather vague, then fear not because Salomé offered an explanation as to how this would come about.

He predicted that a 'solar flare would hit Earth, and that a coronal mass ejection (CME) was ahead of us.'

A Coronal Mass Ejection is when the Sun ejects a plasma mass and magnetic field.

They are a common occurrence in the Sun, happening every few days or so and mostly not being large enough to affect Earth, or they would be but the Earth isn't in their path.

Occasionally, however, there is one which is both large enough and in the right direction to impact Earth.

Just before new year's eve in 2023, Salomé spoke to the Daily Star to share his predictions for the coming year.

The self-described 'parapsychologist' made several predictions about 2024.
Instagram / athos_salome

He warned that a large CME would occur in the coming year, telling the outlet: "The piece delves into conspiracy theories surrounding the Three Days of Darkness coinciding with a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 raising concerns about solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs)."

I'm sure you'll be able to predict what comes next.

That's right, a CME was indeed observed to take place in March 24.

And we're not talking a run of the mill CME either, this was a 'major X-class' believed to be the largest solar storm since 2017.

It might not have caused 'three days of darkness', but Salomé was right about the solar flare!

So that's one that's come true so far in 2024, which gives the robots around nine months to start their uprising.

Featured Image Credit: HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images/Instagram/athos_salome

Topics: News, World News, Weird, Space, Environment