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Why You Should Blur Your House On Google Street View

Why You Should Blur Your House On Google Street View

Google Maps is pretty much everywhere these days, but you don't have to have your house on it if you don't want

Whilst many people will already know that Google Maps offers you the option to hide your house from Street View, the real question that you should be asking is whether it’s something you should be doing.

Google Maps is one of those things that we probably take for granted nowadays, but was absolutely unimaginable just a few short years ago.

It’s remarkable that we can just take out our phone and find anywhere in the world – just about – in a matter of seconds.

Still, it is quite invasive when you think about it, isn’t it?

Would you like the idea that anyone can just turn on their computer or phone and see the outside of your house, your car, or your front garden?

The Google Maps car gets just about everywhere these days.

Well, it’s a fairly simple process to get Google to blur your house out, if that’s something you want to do.

If you want to do it, head on over to the Google Maps website and find your house on Street View, then find your property before clicking ‘report a problem’ when you’re certain you’ve found the right house address.

When it asks what problem you are reporting, click the ‘request blurring’ button and select ‘my home’ as the reason.

You’ll then be asked to provide more information on why you want the blurring done, at that point you can just write about privacy concerns.

Speaking of which – what are they?

Well, apart from the obvious fact that everyone can see your house and address online, it allows potential thieves and housebreakers the opportunity to scope out your property at their leisure, or to see if you’ve got a new car, or check for signs of prosperity when selecting a target.

All houses can be blurred out on Google Maps.
Google Maps

Online stalkers can also use the platform, or generally anyone you don’t want knowing about your whereabouts.

While these things are unlikely, they’re certainly not impossible, meaning that getting the address blurred is the safe option from a privacy and security standpoint.

On the other hand, if you plan to sell your house in future, having it blurred might mean that some folks are put off when trying to look for it.

At this stage, it’s worth pointing out that the blur is hard to get undone.

Furthermore, while Google Maps is by far the most popular mapping platform out there, and getting it removed on there won’t do anything for Bing Maps, Yandex, and whatever else.

Anyway, it’s something to think about, and we’ve told you how to do it if you so desire.

There's definitely pros and cons, so you'll have to make your own decision.

Featured Image Credit: Google/Alamy

Topics: Google, Google Maps, Technology