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Uvalde Mother Who Ran Into School To Save Children Says She Was Threatened By Police

Uvalde Mother Who Ran Into School To Save Children Says She Was Threatened By Police

The mother of two is continuing to speak out after the fatal shooting

A mother of two who ran into Robb Elementary School in Uvalde to rescue her children during a fatal shooting has spoken out about her treatment from the police.

In an interview with CBS News, mom Angeli Gomez told how she'd been threatened and placed in handcuffs whilst outside the Uvalde school as her two sons were inside whilst a shooter - identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos - killed 19 students and two teachers.

In her interview, Gomez said: "Right away as I parked, US Marshals started coming toward my car saying that I wasn't allowed to be parked there. And he said, 'Well, we're gonna have to arrest you because you're being very uncooperative.'

A total of 21 people died in the Uvalde shooting.

"I said, 'Well, you're gonna have to arrest me because I'm going in there.' And I'm telling you right now, I don't see none of y'all in there. Y'all are standing with snipers and y'all are far away. If y'all don't go in there, I'm going in there."

Gomez continued to describe how an officer placed her in handcuffs before she was eventually released. After the cuffs were off, Gomez managed to get inside the elementary school to rescue her two boys who were unharmed.

As she pulled them out of the school, she reported there were no officers anywhere inside the halls or the school.

She explained: "You could hear the gunshots. There was not one officer inside the school while I ran to my second son's class.

"There was not one officer... They could have saved many more lives. They could have gone into that classroom... they could have done something."

In her interview, the mother of two also told how she'd been threatened with with a probation violation by the police for speaking to the media about the events surrounding the shooting. She claimed a police official told her that if she continued to speak she may be obstructing justice.

Angeli Gomez has revealed how police threatened her outside the Uvalde shooting.
CBS News

However, Gomez said she spoke with a local judge who told her she was brave during the incident and her probation would be shortened, despite the threats. 

In her CBS interview, Gomez said: "If anything, they were being more aggressive on us parents that were willing to go in there and, like I told one of the officers: I don't need you to protect me, get away from me. I don't need your protection. If anything, I need you to go in there with me to go protect my kids.

"And if anything, they were being more aggressive on us. They were more pertain on keeping us back then getting into that school."

Gomez isn't the only parent from Robb Elementary School taking action after the shooting.

The parents of one of the children killed in the shooting have taken the first steps towards suing the gun manufacturer.

Alfred Garza III lost his 10-year-old daughter, Amerie Jo, when Ramos opened fire in the elementary school and is now intending for a legal investigation to be launched looking into the gun manufacturer, Daniel Defense.

Ramos was found to have bought two AR-15-style assault rifles prior to the shooting, one of which was manufactured by Daniel Defense.

Featured Image Credit: CBS

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