It's no secret that driving is fraught with many dangers on the roads.
Even if you're a very careful driver, there's no guarantee that someone else will be a lot less fastidious than you when it comes to staying safe.
And one woman has posted a video online highlighting one such problem.
Sometimes it's not the drivers which are the problem, but the vehicles themselves.
Now to be clear, many modern cars have a lot of features which make them a lot safer than older vehicles.
For example, a crumple zone is designed to collapse in a crash and slow down deceleration, preventing injury.
But one aspect of some more modern vehicles has gotten people concerned about just how safe it is, not for the people in the car, but for other road users.
This is the headlights.
It's common knowledge that when you are using your beam lights on a dark road, you should switch them off when there is traffic going the other way.

This is because the lights are bright enough to dazzle other motorists, which could cause a crash.
But one woman has sparked debate after posting a video where she claims that modern LED lights are too bright even when on the regular setting.
This is especially true on the enormous trucks which are commonly found on US roads.
The TikTok video was posted to Reddit with the caption: "Please explain to me why headlight brightness isn't regulated."
It shows her sat in a car with an extremely bright strip of light across her eyes.
She sarcastically exclaims into the camera: "I'm so glad that people have LED headlights, I'm so glad that you can see this well."

People piled into the comments to share their thoughts on the video.
One said: "Everyone with LED lights on a large vehicle suck. It’s f**king blinding."
A second wrote: "The problem is that it's not even people's high beams that are this bright these days. It's just their insane LED headlights blinding us.."
A third posted: "I still remember my first car was so old I could have my high beams on at night and nobody could tell. Nowadays every other car is so bright I can hardly see past their low beams when it isn't even dark yet."
A fourth responded: "last week I flashed my lights at somebody I believed had their brights on. when they flashed back it was terrifying."