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Cop saves woman’s life after noticing something odd in window

Cop saves woman’s life after noticing something odd in window

The Utah deputy went above and beyond to help the elderly woman in need

A Utah deputy has spoken out about saving a woman's life after noticing a sign in a window.

Last month, Deputy Khalil Shah from the Box Elder County Sheriff's Office in Utah was sent to check on an elderly woman.

The woman hadn't been heard from in several days and when Shah got to the address, he quickly realised something was wrong.

Vicky Dean lives alone in her home in Box Elder County and none of her family or friends had heard from her in 12 days.

So, Shah was sent by his sheriff's office to conduct a welfare check on the elderly woman.

However, when he spotted something strange in her window, he knew he had to act fast.

Deputy Khalil Shah was sent out to perform a welfare check.
FOX13 Salt Lake City

The deputy told FOX13 Salt Lake City he drove to the address but it 'didn't quite line up to where the house was' and so he ended up driving 'past it'.

After 'flipp[ing] around,' that's when he quickly noticed something out of the ordinary.

He said: "I looked in the window of this house and all I see, it looked like an Amazon package, a paper Amazon package and in big red letters it said, 'HELP'."

The elderly woman had made a 'HELP' sign.
FOX13 Salt Lake City

Shah rushed out of his vehicle and knocked on the door, discovering Dean inside 'beyond joyous to see that somebody had seen the sign'.

The elderly woman explained to the deputy that she'd been unable to contact any friends or family because her cellphone had broken and being in a wheelchair left her unable to go for help with heavy snow having fallen outside.

It meant she was unable to pick up the vital medication she required as a result of having cancer and also recently experiencing a heart attack.

The deputy adds: "She was on blood thinners, cancer meds, all these different kinds of medication [...] and she said that one of the medications she was on, if she had run out she would have a heart attack."

The deputy helped the elderly woman get her medication and groceries too.
FOX13 Salt Lake City

Shah quickly went out to the pharmacy to pick up Dean's medications for her, but also went to the grocery store to get food supplies as well as collect her mail.

And he also decided to tackle the 'at least two feet of snow' that was 'all around' Dean's house, grabbing a shovel and creating a pathway 'from the doorway up to the path of [his] truck' - as well as taking her trash out.

Shah even lent Dean his phone so she was able to call her daughter and she has since gotten herself a new mobile too.

The deputy resolved: "If our Lord can feed the 5,000 off a few loafs of bread and some fish, then I was in the position to do what I could."

Featured Image Credit: Fox 13

Topics: Cancer, Health, Police, US News, Good News