A man has shared a controversial approach to tipping which has left people online fuming.
When it comes to tipping - especially here in the US - there are plenty of differing views about how much to leave or whether to tip on tax.
But this one person has opted to not tip at all... ever.
Taking to TikTok, the poster revealed his wholly different and rather controversial approach to tipping.

This was to simply forgo the practice altogether and leave a tip of precisely 0 percent every time that they were required to tip.
Tipping is a particularly hot topic in the States, especially as the practice has spread outside of its origins in sit-down restaurants to other parts of the service industry and even beyond.
The law on tipping in the US varies from state to state. Some states allow businesses to pay tipped staff a lower hourly wage if their hourly pay is equal to minimum wage after tips.
Meanwhile, others have a statutory minimum wage which businesses have to pay staff, tipped or not.
Nonetheless, regardless of where in the States you are the overwhelming cultural consensus is that you should tip service staff.
But in recent months that has been challenged as tip requests have started appearing at an increasing number of places from more plausible scenarios such as coffee shops, to the baffling like a self-checkout machine.
The TikToker, using the subtle username '@idontip', shared just how much they saved in one week by not tipping.
In the end, they claimed that their savings came to a whopping $152.92, which really begs the question of just how much they were spending on eating out.
Let's do the math, shall we?
Assuming a 20 percent tip it's $764.60, while a 10 percent tip suggests they may have spent a whopping $1,529.90 in just one week.
With dining out bills like that saving money on tips seems like a drop in the ocean, and needless to say people had a lot of thoughts about the practice.

Many made similar suggestions to the user, with one saying: "If you can’t afford it, it’s ok! Just don’t go there."
Meanwhile a second wrote: "Have you ever considered just not dining out?" as a third commented: "This is awesome man, nothing better than stiffing poor waiters."
Others were a little more sympathetic though, sharing when they would and wouldn't tip.
One wrote: "Counter service is fine but if you’re not tipping when you sit down at a restaurant u shouldn’t eat there."
Another shared a simple rule: "If I’m standing up to order I’m not tipping. If I’m sitting down getting served it’s no problem."
Topics: Food and Drink, Money, News, US News, Tipping