It’s pretty unlucky to just be out on the lawn and get attacked by one vicious animal. Let alone two of them.
One Texas woman had some serious bad luck when both a snake and a hawk had at her.
Peggy Jones had just been mowing her lawn in Silsbee when she found herself in a rather bizarre encounter, she told Click2Houston.
While she was on a tractor mower, a snake fell out of the sky and landed on her – almost like something out of a spoof horror movie.
And it gets crazier, as it was tightening around her arm, gripping onto her, a hawk then swooped down.
The bird began clawing at her arm, attacking her in its efforts to get its own prey.
“The snake was squeezing so hard, and I was waving my arms in the air. And then, this hawk was swooping down clawing at my arm over and over,” Jones said. “I just kept saying, ‘Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus’.”
The hawk eventually managed to rip the snake off the woman’s arm, flying away with its prize and leaving her arm bloodied and bruised.
Jones reckons the bird flew down at her at least four times in attempt to get the snake.
With blood ‘everywhere’, her husband came running to help.
She said: “I was yelling and screaming. He didn’t know what I was saying. I thought I was bit by a snake.”
Jones was taken to the emergency room and treated for her injuries – cuts from the hawk and bruising from the snake gripping her arm.

Luckily, there was no snake bite and she realised just how close she was to being bit.
Jones said: “He kept striking in my face, he was striking my glasses. I discovered the lens on my glasses was broken and there was snake venom on my glasses.”
While you could probably say the woman is the unluckiest alive to have somehow been the victim of both a hawk and snake attack at the same time, she reckons it’s the other way round.
She said: “I feel like the luckiest person alive to have survived this!”
And despite being so lucky, Jones has actually had a meeting with a snake before too – a couple years ago, she was the victim of a venomous bite.
But in good news, she’s back on her tractor mower again – her husband walked alongside her on the first ride back to keep an eye on the skies.