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Police find body wrapped in garbage bag inside shopping trolley in New York

Police find body wrapped in garbage bag inside shopping trolley in New York

The deceased man is yet to be publicly identified after being found by police in New York on Saturday.

Police have found a body wrapped in a plastic garbage bag and placed inside a shopping trolley in a New York City borough.

At around 11.15am local time on Saturday (19 August), police in The Bronx were called after a man was found unresponsive and unconscious inside of a black plastic bag.

The trolley was found at the junction of Whitlock Avenue and Bruckner Boulevard, with emergency services quick to the scene.

However, once the police and medical professionals arrived at the junction in the New York City borough, the unidentified man was pronounced dead.

Police discovered the body in The Bronx on Saturday.
CBS New York

Police are currently withholding his identity until his family have been informed.

Local officials have now launched an investigation into the case, with the police currently having no information on how decomposed the body was, or who may have dumped it in the shopping trolley.

It's been reported that the body was found next to a construction site, near to the pavement of Whitlock Avenue.

Police moved the body and the trolley after making the discovery, before it was taken away in a body bag from the scene at around 3.30pm local time.

As you'd expect, the discovery has rocked the local community, with a children's playground just around the corner from the scene.

As a result, many families were outside with their young children when the body was discovered.

One woman has since said she believes the body had been there since Friday (18 August).

Local residents spoke about the 'scary' neighbourhood.
CBS New York

She told ABC 7: "I found a man on the corner with a bicycle and he told me he saw yesterday somebody there. He look and say the think somebody died."

Meanwhile, Janise, a resident in the neighbourhood, described how the area the body was found in is 'really scary'.

She added: "It's not a good space to walk at night because it's really dark, so anything is possible."

Janise was not alone in her concerns surrounding safety in the area, as another local Annette LeGrand spoke about some of the fears that have stemmed from the discovery.

She told CBS: "I have to carry my mace now... I don't know how else I'm gonna live. People come around pushing carts and everything, put their garbage there or they dump it right here behind my building."

On the other hand, a man who has lived in the area for four decades added: "I'm surprised, believe me... I know a lot of people cut through here."

Featured Image Credit: CBS

Topics: Crime, US News, New York