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Footage shows the moment girl missing for 4 years turns up at police station

Footage shows the moment girl missing for 4 years turns up at police station

Despite no contact for four years, Alicia Navarro miraculously appeared at a Montana police station close to the Canadian border.

New footage has emerged of missing girl, Alicia Navarro, showing the moment the teenager miraculously turned up at a police station.

The Arizonan girl first went missing in September 2019, just days before her fifteen birthday, leaving many concerned for her safety.

Four years on, the-now-18-year-old has been found after handing herself into a small Montana police station with authorities capturing the moment.

In the incredible clip, Navarro is seen with her hair slicked and looking noticeably older than when she first disappeared.

Amazingly, authorities were unaware that the teen was safe until she walked into a small police station in Montana, which was not far from the Canadian border.

It’s unclear how she travelled over 1130 miles from her hometown of Glendale, Arizona, but understandably, police are concerned about her safety.

One officer even began to question the teen about what happened over the last four years, with few clues to go on.

Speaking via video call, an officer asks Navarro: “Did anybody hurt you in any way?”

To which, she replies: “No, nobody hurt me.”

Navarro first went missing in 2019.
Navarro Family

The unnamed officer then tries to comfort the young girl, who looks exhausted as she speaks with the authorities.

Clearly overwhelmed, she pauses as she tries to find the words and then simply says: “I understand that.”

Navarro then thanks the investigator, adding: “Thank you for offering help to me.”

Whilst authorities are relieved by her return, there are still questions over her disappearance in 2019.

Prior to her disappearance, the teen had expressed concerns about starting high school and even asked her mom, Jessica, if she could stay home.

The teenager had left a hand-written note before vanishing.
Glendale Police

Trying to lift her spirits, the pair would visit a chocolate factory but hours later, Navarro would vanish – leaving just a scrawled, handwritten note behind.

It read: “I ran away. I will be back, I swear. I'm sorry. - Alicia.”

At the time, her mom was convinced that the sudden disappearance of her daughter was connected to people she’d met online.

She told the Arizona Republic: "I’m more than 90% sure that my daughter met this person online…. Knowing the way my daughter's personality is, I don't think that she would have fallen for that. This person probably took a while to be able to gain (her) trust."

Although the pair have since reunited and the teen has apologised for her disappearance, police are still investigating what happened.

At a press conference, Police Lt Waite said: “We are only [beginning] to put together the puzzle that is her disappearance and her returning. I would only ask for patience.”

Featured Image Credit: Glendale Police / YouTube/FOX 10 Phoenix

Topics: US News, Parenting, Police