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Man climbs on top of the Las Vegas Sphere in death-defying stunt and gets arrested

Man climbs on top of the Las Vegas Sphere in death-defying stunt and gets arrested

A man who calls himself the pro-life Spider-Man was arrested by police after scaling the Las Vegas Sphere for a stunt.

The friends of a man who climbed the Las Vegas Sphere have explained what on Earth compelled him to undertake the death-defying stunt.

Maison Des Champs has just completed his latest stunt that resulted in his arrest.

You can watch terrifying footage of Maison on top of the 366 foot tall building here:

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department confirmed Wednesday morning that Des Champs had been arrested following reports of a man scaling the Sphere in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Writing on its Facebook page, the police department said: "Maison Des Champs, 24, was arrested and booked into the Clark County Detention Center.

"His charges are Destroying Property of Another, Greater than $5000 and Conspiracy to Destroy Private Property.”

Des Champs' friends spoke to local media after his climb and after being detained with the climber.

Friend Tim Clements told 8 News Now: “He is willing to die for this cause, that is what he always says in his interviews.

Maison Des Champs climbs skyscrapers for a specific reason.
KCENNews/Tim Clements

"He says that it is worth it if he can save a baby.”

Maison like to call himself the 'pro-life Spider-Man' and he and his friends are anti-abortion and have taken steps to raise money for their cause.

This isn’t the first stunt of this kind by Des Champs who has scaled other buildings across the US.

He also regularly films his ascent of these buildings and posts it on his social media pages.

His latest climb was shared on his Instagram page that has over 278,000 followers.

As the name would suggest, Maison and his friends are anti-abortion and have taken steps to raise money for their cause.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept/Facebook

Showing the beginning of his climb of the sphere, Des Champs explained that this stunt was in order to help raise money for a woman who had been considering getting an abortion.

He wrote: “Today, my mission transcends the adrenaline rush of scaling skyscrapers; it's about channeling our collective strength towards a cause far greater than any physical feat.

"In the spotlight of my climb today is Isabel, a brave soul currently navigating through life's harshest storms, pregnant and facing uncertainty with every step."

Many of the climber’s social media followers praised him for his efforts.
Maison Des Champs/Instagram

The climber continued to explain that the 37-year-old Isabel was considering getting an abortion as she deals with homelessness, joblessness and maternal and infant health risks.

He also noted that she reached out to him for help in hopes of raising money for her not to get one.

As well as being slammed for the recklessness of his stunts in the past, Maison has also taken a beating for his politics.

In the US, 21 states currently ban or restrict abortion.

For help, support and advice about abortion, contact the National Abortion Hotline on 1-800-772-9100, 8am-7pm ET Monday to Friday or 8am-4pm ET Saturday to Sunday.

Featured Image Credit: 8 News Now — Las Vegas / Jamie Squire/Getty Images

Topics: Las Vegas, Police