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Death row inmate wrote chilling confession letter that was delivered to officials two days after execution

Death row inmate wrote chilling confession letter that was delivered to officials two days after execution

David Neal Cox was executed in 2017

Content warning: This article discusses sexual assault.

A man who murdered his wife later revealed he'd also killed someone else.

In 2010, David Neal Cox was convicted of murdering Kim Kirk Cox, and sexually assaulting his 12-year-old step-daughter.

He was sentenced to death for his crimes and was executed by lethal injection in November 2021 at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman.

He'd ditched all appeals prior to his passing and deemed himself 'worthy of death', with his execution marking the first one in the state for nine years.

In the days leading up to Cox's execution, he revealed to his attorney that he had also murdered his brother's wife, Felicia Cox. She'd been missing since 2007.

Waiving his attorney-client privilege after death, Cox gave his lawyer detailed instructions to pass onto the authorities on where they could locate Felicia's body.

A letter written by Cox sharing such details was hand-delivered by the Office of Capital Post-Conviction Counsel (CPCC) two days after he was executed. Cox was executed in December 2021.

According to the CPCC, Cox 'felt deep remorse and wanted to bring closure to [Felicia's] family'.

David Neal Cox died by lethal injection in 2021.
Mississippi Department of Corrections/WTVA 9 News

The District Attorney’s Office went on to say that locating the missing mother's body was 'not a foregone conclusion'.

"We are hopeful the information is accurate and that recovery efforts will be successful so that Felicia’s family may give her a proper burial," it went on.

Then, in December 2021, a body believed to be Felicia's was discovered on land that had once belonged to her family in Pontotoc County, CBS News reported at the time.

Cox drew a map to reveal the location of Felicia's body.
First Circuit District Attorney's Office - John Weddle/Facebook

John Weddle, the district attorney for several northern Mississippi counties, penned in a Facebook post: "Our office is greatly indebted to many as we reflect on the discovery of what appears to be the remains of Felicia Cox today in Pontotoc County. The final identity will need to be confirmed by DNA testing which will hopefully be performed soon.

"We are thankful the family can now begin the process of giving Felicia Cox a burial."

Shortly after, Weddle confirmed that a DNA match was found between the body and Felicia's daughter, Amber Miskelly.

A DNA match confirmed that the body was Felicia's.
First Circuit District Attorney's Office - John Weddle/Facebook

Miskelly had penned a letter to Cox before his execution in the hopes of getting answers about her mom.

He had long been a suspect in the case of Felicia's disappearance, but continuously failed to cooperate with police.

According to Miskelly, Cox was the last person to have seen her mother alive prior to her disappearance in July 2007.

In regards to wanting to find Felicia, Miskelly said that giving her a proper burial meant 'everything to [her]'.

In light of Cox's confession, Miskelly got what she wanted and her mother was properly laid to rest on December 30, 2021.

Featured Image Credit: Mississippi Department of Corrections / First Circuit District Attorney's Office - John Weddle/Facebook

Topics: News, US News, Crime, Death Row