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Boy, 9, left doctors baffled after surviving ‘decapitation’ that kills 98 percent of patients

Boy, 9, left doctors baffled after surviving ‘decapitation’ that kills 98 percent of patients

The youngster was in hospital for three months

A little boy baffled doctors when he managed to survive being 'decapitated'.

Jordan Taylor and his mother Stacy Perez were involved in a near-fatal accident in Hillsboro, Texas, when a truck ran into their car at an intersection.

Jordan, who was nine years old at the time, was sat in the back of the vehicle when the incident occurred, and the impact the crash had on the young boy was huge.

The crash caused young Jordan's skull to detach from his spine in what's known as orthopaedic decapitation.

It happens when there's damage to the ligaments or bones connecting the skull to the cervical spine.

With the severe injury in mind, Jordan was only given a one to two percent chance of survival - but, by means of a miracle, he defied the odds.

Speaking at the time of the ordeal, Dr Richard Roberts, of Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth where Jordan was treated, said he'd never seen some survive such injuries.

Jordan Taylor was given just a 1% chance of survival.
CBS News/YouTube

"This was the first patient with this condition that I've seen survive," he told ABC News.

“It's not very frequent that this kind of patient makes it to us.”

Making it even more miraculous, the unlikely few who survive orthopaedic decapitation are typically left paralyzed afterwards, but Jordan went on to make a full recovery.

As to how they came to fix Jordan back up again, surgeons put a titanium plate on the back of his skull and attached it to his neck with screws and rods.

The little boy spent three months in hospital before being discharged in time for Christmas.

Jordan was in hospital for three months.
CBS News/YouTube

His mother hailed it as a 'Christmas miracle' that her son made it out of hospital in time for the holidays.

"I didn't think we'd be out of her by Christmas, and, really and truly, I didn't think we'd be out of here [at all]," Stacy told CBS News in a TV interview.

And Jordan isn't the only youngster to have been saved by surgeons in recent times, as 12-year-old Suleiman Hassan endured similar injuries earlier this year.

Suleiman, from the West Bank, Palestine, suffered what was deemed an 'internal decapitation' when he was hit by a car as he rode his bike.

Like Jordan, his spine also detached from his spine, but doctors saved his life by fusing the skull and spinal column using rods, screws, plates and, less commonly, bone grafts.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

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